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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. Another INGLES speaking community. I said it will be offline in 1-2 weeks. I will make sure i reply here when its off :P Anyway i wont go more off-topic. Good luck once again!
  2. But its still going to be offline in 1-2 weeks isnt it? Anyway i might try it but i dont see the point anymore to try the fail servers and when i like it, then it goes off ^^
  3. - Yeah forgot about that but there is none in GM shop - I have Resist Wind,Water,Fire,Poison,Elemental etc. He dmged 1.2k - 1.5k i think. So i think its impossible, from 4-6 skills i dmged him 0 demage - it didnt even say you delivered XXX damage - Only You use Deadly blow or you use Lethal Strike etc. PS This is sometimes happening, not always
  4. I dont see the reason of replies like i used to play before 10 years but now i play ... ! I play CS its way better ... ! IMO we should only reply if we play CoD online :P I play too Maxtor, reinstalled some games recently and now im back to it !
  5. Hello there well i never played Gracia Final Before (I mean i did before, when it came out, i played like 3 gracia final servers) So i have a question for Gracia Final... Theres no chance for Adventure to beat facking Necromancer or SpellHowler? Here are some information Adventurer - 2k M.def - Vesper Light Set - Vesper Dagger * Crit. Dmg. - Buffs - Full (Without Berseker! But i tried to beat them also with berseker its the same result - M.def with berseker 1750.) - Selfbuffs - Tried with Focus Power and Focus Chance | Using Vicious Stance - Deadly Blow +10 | Vicious Stance +10 | (Skill enchant) - Dyes: STR -4 | DEX +4 . . . STR -4 | CON +4 - 12k HP - 1.1k Attack Speed (without berseker) - Boss Jewelery +6 SpellHowler - 1700 - 2000 P.def (max) - Vesper Robe - Vesper Staff (Acumen i guess) +6 - Buffs - Full - SelfBuffs - Empowering Echo, Arcane Power etc - Drain HP +10 and Hurricane +10 - We tried to PvP/Duel without him using Drain HP i still lost rofl! - Boss Jewelery +6 Necro - I dont remember, he had staff +16 and i still lost... So whats wrong? Please no n00b answers, i ask only skilled players here. I dont want someone to tell me OMG nub use robe to better dmg ^^ By the way, i saw a strange thing, every second duel we did - When i used 3-4 skills (Deadly Blow, Lethal Strike) i didnt dmg him rofl. It was beginning of the duel - i used 4-5 skills and he still got Full CP (maybe 1k dmged from 5+ facking skills rofl) So can someone tell me WTH is this? Mage owns Adventurer every time + he have still some HP left like 2k+. Also when i duel with Archers i own them (theres no strange thing with skills - like no dmg from 5+ skill lol) and i got left 6k+ everytime lol!
  6. Hmm who are you anyway :P? By the way i hate stupid gracia xD StormScreamer or Necromancer owns Adventurer and still left like 2-3k xD Adventurer 2k M.def Mage 1.5k-2k P.def ^^ Same enchant value, RB jewelery. But Adventurer owned Archers with 5k+ left HP Maybe its not cause of "Gracia" but WTF :D
  7. Its a pass GM, he got kicked for inactivity and flaming. He is online now :P His name is Corruption... [sRB] To ti je prosli GM i evo ga sad u igri :P Kaze sve corrupt a ne zna ni sta je corrupt.
  8. 2 times clicked :S , someone delete this one!
  9. LoL epic name! Good luck with server anyway! .tk
  10. Haha what a lie? Tell me nicks? Hero weapons rofl? Bye.
  11. To have the story and the good graphics. Thanks and sorry for d-p.
  12. I want, if there is one, a LOTR Game with quests BY THE STORY OF MOVIE. I mean you need to do all like in game! So the game to have the story like the movie. All the battles, roads, adventures etc. I remember i played LOTR 1 i cant remember is that full tittle, but i started as frodo with Sam in shire. We were followed by black riders etc :P I didnt complete cause i got bored of it but now i want to try it again ^^
  13. Guys what you think about LOTRD the game for PC? Is it online/offline? Is it worth trying, some say it is some say its not. Didnt find a review or preview for it ^^ Can you be only frodo and the fellowship (good guys) or you can be on the dark side? Like be Nazghul (Black Riders) or something :P Thanks, i just need your opinions.
  14. Well you dont need to use HP potion, but yeah its faster that way. LoL I just dont get it (not the share, something else lol)
  15. Oh maj gad! FF :D I like it alot but I am no one to rate cause i really dont have experience in this stuff ^^
  16. I like all your signatures :P You can make me one like on RulesBreakers, i loved that one :) Ofc theme L2 (Elf Daggerist) or Final Fantasy (Yuna) :D And... Oh sorry this is not official signature request topic by MD :P
  17. 1.Wrong Section 2. Script Fake GM? Never heard about it :S It makes you GM or fake gm status? I dont get it. So until you describe i cant help you =/
  18. Are you crazy? 1. Thats not a flame rofl? Dumb share - I Didnt wrote Dumb poster did I? 2. I dont try? LOL! Why to try to share fake and n00bish (not a flame again) shares? I will NEVER post such a thing rofl. Of course this dont works. From where are you? Lineage 1 (lol)? Of course its not working, rofl incrase chance of enchanting. I cant believe what you believe in... Good luck enchanting by the way omg. 3. Read comments a bit? Someone said it works? Maybe some spammer said it works which i dont believe in. 4. De-Karmad? I see you love karma (your text). I didnt flame user which is not off the rules so see ya... PS I wont share such a shares cause its only cause of spam - i mean people gets posts in this threads. (Like me you and others) I dont have to say something on-topic. Just not working...
  19. All that you can see by logging on to server Normal - 75% Blessed - 80% I think it is... Forgot what announcements says... You can download it from here: http://dc184.4shared.com/download/188290298/bfd1c5ee/L2_Unknown_Client_files.rar After you have download the file you must unpack it and copy the folders System and SysTextures to your lineage 2 installation folder. By the way i see now without registering... Look again!
  20. I dont know, try again Duck + Jump fast :P Might get lucky few times ^^
  21. People can siege only 4 castles until community grows... You forgot to tell us that. Aden Giran Rune Shuttghart Anyway GL.
  22. Old and not working. Why posting such a dumb shares? "Scrift" lol
  23. Client Side - Your Side rofl. I think it speeds up client movement means you see all are moving faster... Yeah, Just like cheat engine and i think he said just speed up your game and tittle "How to make L2 Faster" he didnt say its [bug] or something, but i dont get why is this in exploit section ^^
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