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  1. I didn't say my server got gang banged (god i hate the phrase) from this community...I fear this community...is that a better explanation? When my server went live, OMG the hacks...but now it's whatever, my staff kicks ass. Sacred Union is here to stay!! Yes we have bugs, sometimes lags, many times fights but we continue to work to make it an amazing and FAIR environment for everyone. I will ban a staff member quicker then any player!! Ask them.... Soon our domain goes live and will even supply email accounts for the players not to mention an unbelievable amount of space. Great things are in the works!! Fly by night...we are not!! I forgot to mention...the reason our patch is so big is because it has updates to supply the site for at least the next 2 years...there's everything imaginable in that patch...
  2. the obvious reason that SHE has not listed the server with maxcheaters would be the ungodly amount of hackers that live on this website...and no, i did not authorize Bloody to list the server but he is ambitious! My server ROCKS!! with zero tollerance for bullshit!! OH~~~and as for the massive downloads, I share with anyone who requests my PREMIUM member acct info for a speedy download. Thanks...
  3. Nothing is helping!! OMG!! Any other ideas?? Before my players begin hunting me with guns??
  4. OMG!! I was just adding some items to the server, all was working, A-Style's server was doing a great job. I restarted the server like 3 different times then BAAAM!!!!! WTF is Java Main and how do I fix it and why would it possibly be null...I've already taken all the additions back out, basically undid everything and still the server won't go past this!!!...Help Me??? Please?? Server is L2J-Archid ItemTable: Loaded 1052 Armors. ItemTable: Loaded 6880 Items. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unknown item type null at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.skills.DocumentItem.makeItem(DocumentItem.java:162) at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.skills.DocumentItem.parseItem(DocumentItem.java:147) at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.skills.DocumentItem.parseDocument(DocumentItem.java:102) at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parse(DocumentBase.java:116) at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadData(SkillsEngine.java:160) at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadWeapons(SkillsEngine.java:130) at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable.<init>(ItemTable.java:343) at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable.getInstance(ItemTable.java:208) at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:207) at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:532)
  5. Yes I have JDK and I got that one error during the compile then when I installed the server it gave me all that greek...I happen to be American and we don't get to learn all the cool languages in school like other countries :(
  6. http://trac.assembla.com/l2jarchid/changeset/372 This sucks :( Anyone know of a pack that can be stuck sub main+5??? because here's my error in the compile... [javac] Note: D:\workspace\L2Archid_GameServer\java\com\l2jarchid\gameserver\GeoEngine.java uses or overrides a deprecated API. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. and the server doesn't log
  7. If you have vista i think that you must get at least 3 gigs of RAM because vista consumes 1 and running lineage with 1 gb ram it will lag.
  8. Not sure what happened, any clues?? This is that I get when starting the game server!! Starting L2J-Archid Game Server. Cleaned 0 elements from database. BitSet ID Factory could not be initialized correctly com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Duplicate entry '268478895' for key 'PRIMARY' at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:931) at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(MysqlIO.java:2985) at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(MysqlIO.java:1631) at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(MysqlIO.java:1723) at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.execSQL(Connection.java:3250) at com.mysql.jdbc.Statement.executeUpdate(Statement.java:1355) at com.mysql.jdbc.Statement.executeUpdate(Statement.java:1270) at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyStatement.executeUpdate(NewProxyStat ement.java:64) at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.idfactory.IdFactory.extractUsedObjectIDTable (IdFactory.java:244) at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.idfactory.BitSetIDFactory.initialize(BitSetI DFactory.java:85) at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.idfactory.BitSetIDFactory.<init>(BitSetIDFac tory.java:73) at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.idfactory.IdFactory.<clinit>(IdFactory.java: 114) at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:172) at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:532) IDFactory: 102912 id's available. Could not read object IDs from DB. Please Check Your Data. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: Could not initialize the ID fact ory at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:176) at com.l2jarchid.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:532)
  9. If you want to run vista and lineage 2 you better have some of this 2 GB RAM (At least - Vista eats 1 GB) so i reccomend 3 or 4. GeForce 7300 - At least And cancel the Gadget bar so as it is the cause of the RAM consuming. Or, you can wait till Windows 7 became available (NOT BETA) and you can play there because is a better version of Vista, just that it Consumes too much less RAM n Space and it is more nicer and some other stuff.
  10. The Best thing that happened to me was first in a low rate, me and my whole classroom (just the boys) 13 we where there in a low rate L2 DarkLineage we made a clan and we farm to make the clan better all the time talking about life meanwhile and having fun, and finally our clan was doing good in the server, till my friends got bored and go to WoW. But i continue and me and my brother decided joining L2 Sunrise (In it's best moments) a high rate server. I was a N00B and decided to make a clan, i talked with some guys here and there, and in one day we were 20 in my clan, and in 2 weeks we were 140 people, clan level 8 full clanskills, i had a lot of fun, more than my friends, and we managed to be the bests in the server, but one day there was a Wipe in the server and all of use leave it Well, that is my story ^^
  11. Same Shit. Check my hosts, i believe they are the problem.
  12. Can someone tell me how to Fix the GameGuard error Hacking Tool, for Interlude?
  13. Problem Solved !!! I will lock topic :)
  14. No, because Lineage 2 is better and WoW sucks, i've play both and the best one is Lineage. And Btw, this is totally different than WoW, the only "similar" thing is that it will have a new continent.
  15. This is what Happens. Btw, i am not Terri (The Official Admin, owner) I am Ezee, the second admin. Pict:
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