m aresei pou exei kai polous i lista popo den to pisteuo oute i lista tou bnb me ta banarismena atoma den einai etsi popo xamos panikos ...
pali kala den vlepo to onoma mou
can you please help with this one ??
protocol version 749
token: 5B 3B 27 2E 5D 37 38 2D 35 32 3D 3D 2D 25 26 40 21 5E 2B 5D
ip :TG L2 PvP Server (x35)
well thank you very much the second exe EngExt_ME.exe is very good it did found the token and the protocol that i found with maxtors help (the long guide..) thank you very much.....( you need to place the exe in the system folder and then press the button )
tryed this link to but nothing again same message.....
i used 10.4.9