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Everything posted by k0st4C

  1. Paidec mOnO apo tic pic p eida prepei na ta spaei pragmatika to Gracia FinaL..!! Pragmatika anhpomono na anoi3ei official server gia na logarw..!!! Kai den einai Part 3... einai FINAL.. oute part 2 oute 3 oute tpt :D
  2. exw mia aporia.. miac kai 8a kaneic Minimize tn mia o8onh, meta pote 8a prolaveis na tn 3ana shkwseis gia na anoi3eic.. kai otan pas na kaneis trade ston allon 8a s grapsei "already trading" (kati tetoio).. tote pOc 8a kaneic to 2o trade..?
  3. nai autO eipa.. to vrhka... :D
  4. Stn Dion p exei ta karik, exw problhma.. pOc feugw..??? :( Edit* akurO to vrhka :D
  5. vale to l2.ini se aLLo system p dn exei protection.. aLLa ama exei kai mesa stn server protection tote eic atuxoc :P On Topic* Fainete pL gamato... 8a paw na to dokimasw amesOs.. :D
  6. 1on eisai se la8oc section.. 2on gt kanete aLLa post, gia post count..?? Lock kai aLLagh topic.. 8a eprepe na paei *spam* kaLutera..
  7. exei ginei 1 ekatomurio fores post.. eLeOc rr megale..
  8. aLLa mOnO ec to vlepeic etsi.. oloi oi alloi se vlepoun kanonika...
  9. I have no Idea what's the problem.. :( We have a smaLL problem right now... but it will be fixed soon!! so don't worry :D Edit* Fixed!! Log In ;)
  10. thankc for ur good com :D Bullsh1t..
  11. Actually KenzO is one of my friends name.. Not KenzO from here... ;) Tell me,when did u log in? lag..? where the hell did u see lag?
  12. HeLLo everybody!! My friends and I have created an Interlude Server named--> LightSpirit Server Features Exp:1 Mob and you get 79lvl :D Adena:Custom Zone (More than 200kk Each Mob) Server Rates: Safe-10 / Max-30 Enchant Rate:78% Bless/Crystal Enchant rate: 95% Gm shop Buffer (2H Buffs) Global Gk Custom Shop With: TiTanium Armors Epic Weapons Custom Farm Zones: You can Farm for Festival Adena, which you need to Buy Custom Weapons And Rb Jewls. Custom PvP Zones Tons Of Events Like: PvP, Hide And Seek, TvT and a Lot more..!! Helpful Gm Team Life Stone skiLL rate:80% (You can only find ls from events) ;) Site: www.l2lightspirit.ucoz.com Join Us!! :D
  13. kL enta3ei rr paidia mn me fate.. s0z..
  14. re 8eO s lew to exw vrei tuxaia kai apla stuckarei ta skiLLc.. siga mn s ta kanei kai lvl20... emena apo passive p htan emeine passive kai apo active emeine active .. Mn akouw mL*iec
  15. T einai auto..?? ekanec 2 topic me to idio periexomeno.. kai exei 3anaginei post... s0z ara Report.. kapioc na to kanei Lock.. Edit* Akoma exeic valei ena teleioc askopo PoLL..
  16. Theme: Sth Related with fantasy :P Colour: Black-red Title: JustiCe SubTitle: non :P Want to add maxcheaters text on sing: no Thankc In Advance.. i'm LoOkinG Forward for my Sig :D
  17. Einai to English section agorina.. :P On Topic: nC TopiC.. aLLa merika apo auta dn ta leme :D
  18. nC videO kai to 2o song ta spaei :P
  19. an kai o sps m aresei perissotero, pshfhsa Sph gt exei kai to Drain, p nOmizw einai ena arketa sumantiko skiLL... auta apo mena :P
  20. oLympiad paidec.. den sugrinete :P
  21. egw pshfizw AbsoLute.. to soul dn dinei ka8olou p def.. mono ligo atk spd.. to abso dinei kai hp k p def.. Den pac pou8ena xoric AbsO :P
  22. sorry kiolac aLLa einai ml**ec .. otan kaneic //delete ena sub feugoun kai ta skiLLc.. den pezei auto pou lec..
  23. gamato kai epsaxna kati tetoio gia na travaw VideO.. l2 fusika ;) nc share :D
  24. wiiiiiii oLa ta cLass exeic valei rr aLani :P nC Guide.. ena ap ta kaltuera p exw dei edo :P
  25. Tyrant fusika.. den to suzhtame ka8olou auto.. einai autonohto ;)
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