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Everything posted by Sido

  1. BAAAAA, BAAAAA.... si cam atat ca stai departe de mine....
  2. ok, chiar imi este necesar. multam fain :*
  3. depend on what kind of player you are, vs mage / vs fighter / oly fighter / assistant / farmer. guess that most of the ppl will do a balance between Physical Defense and Magic Defense at emergent ability skills. as for the Class-Specific vs Master i would rather choose master. Counter Haste, Counter Defense or Resist Mental and Counter Barrier are the ones i'll go for. but you can also choose Crit.dmg Reduction (if you are an oly lover) Mana Recovery (if you are farmer or ganger), Resist Mental (if you are a ganger) Counter Heal (if it has a good chance on the server you play... i remember back in HB it was kinda a deal but after few more updates it kinda got nerfed)
  4. ciudat ca in versiunea mobile asta e singurul thread care nu mi se incarca ....
  5. nu stiu, totusi bun info asta ai si pretentii =)
  6. taci ca-ti fac rost dar dupa pasti ca ei sunt acum in practica iar noi pe langa targoviste la un centru de pregatire QQ
  7. eu ca "donator" nu pot vedea email-urile la membrii si presupun ca nici tu ca legendary... de aia te intrebam daca ai vreun prieten gmod sau daca il ai pe maxtor on sa verifice un profil si sa-mi spui email-ul lui.
  8. raule ai cv pile sa vezi si tu un email la un profil de pe aici ?
  9. e de la noi de la scoala dar anul 1, eu sunt anul 2 :)
  10. care-i baiu, ce ranjesti fasolea la mine, ti-e prea cald cu dintii in gura ?
  11. sa vina ca avem nevoie de fier vechi =)
  12. last man standing, as always u B A S T A R D
  13. nu ca dupa ar trebui sa ma duc la un medic :/
  14. am postat acum ~2 zile un ghid, am primit 2 karma si acum s-a resetat karma... MARLANEALA !!! ce sa fac ? sa sterg tot ce am si sa re-postez ?
  15. and also a dance for dark resistance and because of the above reason given by rosalie, which mean a lot of ppl using light => a lot of ppl will use dark on their armor your light will not be that "DIFFERENT" . beside this, if i don't remember wrong in iop mobs got low resistance on fire so... better farm in a solo zone = great xp which is kinda good sometimes. i appreciate.
  16. incerc si eu dar nu-mi prea iese :/
  17. nu ma refeream la tine .... cu toate ca...
  18. well is an old guide i did and posted it here for "not losing it". thank you.
  19. Story Line I started this guide mainly because i like this class even if is not played that much. On low rate servers ppl avoid it because of mp skill missing (comparing with the other 2 archers + 1 crossbower). Regarding pvp servers, most of the ppl think that Elfs aren't that kewl =) Moonlight Sentinel Mainly is a fast short range archer with a big chance of criticals because of his hight dex. Moonlight Sentinel <- Silver Ranger <- Scout <- Elf Fighter. This is the path you will fallow in your class changes. Some stats info: biggest DEX (35 - 1 more than d.elfs) lowest STR (36) low CON (36) biggest WIT (14) medium INT (23) medium MEN (26) what are this stats for ? well... this stats are based on %, this mean if you will add +1 to them, will give u more or less, depending on how much you got on ur basic stats. i'll not explain you how to add dyes, because this is not a guide for, but i'll let u some links to learn about them.>> Here << how much % give dyes for every class, and some more info. >> Here << full info about what classes can add what dyes, and more concerning about. Quests So you created your character ( info >> Here <<, be sure u made it elf fighter )and you entered the world. You will be spawned in Shadow of the Mother Tree, which in our case, is near your home town (Elf Village). Anyway i'll not talk now about how to grow up your character because i did a guide >> Here << , so fallow it. I'll just add in this one things you may need to do more/pass and things adapted to other chronicles. First class transfer quest >> Here <<at level 36 ( quest for Gracia Part 2+ chronicles) i suggest you to do this Pailaka Quest because it will give you a nice reward, but more than that you will gain nice experience. From 36 you will advance to 40 with no problem at it's end but keep in mind to join an academy before. Pailaka Quests Info >> Here <<in Gracia Part1+ chronicles you will be able finish the second class transfer quest in a shorter way, info >> Here << If you are playing a lower chronicle than that, then you will find your quests info >> Here1 << >> Here2 << >> Here3 << 3rd class change quest at level 76 >> Here3 << PVE Well you got more self buffs compared to other classes (such as: M def, Run speed, P atk, P def, MP decrease for skills) but you have no mp regeneration skills (Pain of Sagittarius - which give you MP by taking you some HP). So my recommend is to farm in place where you can find mobs that drop herbs, and you will be just fine. This if you don't prefer solo farm.(Wall of Argos, Ketra Outpost, Varka Outpost, Dead Forrest). But be sure that a party will always fit your class better. PvP Keep in mind that you got no MP recovery skill, low range but high atk speed (ofc if you buff urself with Rapid Fire - which decrease ur range and increase ur atk speed), pretty good M def and a big chance of criticals. Don't try to be the "tanker" but use ur "pro's" at maximum, like: you got big dex+big atk speed = fast skill reuse, which means you will be able to give fast stuns. Use them against those who try to kill ur cardi, or against enemies cardi (why only on them ? because you have no mp recharge skill and we prefer to keep rechargers mp for healers). Other moves concerning pvp, are those which we all know, such as: move every time because you got passive Acrobatic Move - increase ur evasion while moving and Esprit - increase your MP regen. on the same situation. Also i saw in gracia+ chr. skills deal more dmg (maybe because of the server i played, but i saw this thing on offi files too.... players used more the skills in pvp than simple shots, or maybe because the crit chance is lowered... ) so use skills more in pvp for this chronicles. Offensive skills Entangle - Instantly reduces enemy's Speed . Stunning Shot - A stunning blow that inflicts damage to a target with an arrow. Requires a bow.Over-hit is possible. Double Shot - Allows two arrows to be fired quickly. Critical hit is possible. Over-hit is possible. Requires a bow. Lethal Shot - Shoots a potentially deadly arrow. Over-hit is possible. Usable when one is equipped with a bow. Hamstring Shot - Inflicts damage to an enemy while reducing their Speed. Critical hit is possible. Requires a bow. Evade Shot - Inflicts damage to the enemy and instantly increases one's Evasion significantly. Usable when one is equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Arrow Rain - Rain of arrows falls down from the sky. Available to use when using arrow weapons. Over-hit is possible. Seven Arrow - Shot a series of 7 arrows. Available to use when using arrow weapons. Over-hit is possible. Self Buffs Defense Aura - Temporarily increases P. Def. Effect 2. Attack Aura - Temporarily increases P. Atk. Effect 2. Sprint - Temporarily increases Running Speed. Effect 2. Spirit Barrier - Temporarily increases M. Def. Effect 2. Spirit of Sagittarius - Temporarily decrease MP consumption of a physical skill. Effect 3. Soul of Sagittarius - Temporarily decrease Maximum MP. Effect 4. Blessing of Sagittarius - Temporarily decrease physical skill's recovery time. Effect 4. Rapid Fire - Temporarily increases Atk Speed and decrease Bow Range . Effect 8.Other Support Skills Elemental Heal - Regenerates HP Focus Skill Mastery - Significantly increases excellent skill rate triggered by Skill Mastery. Consumes MP continuously. Vicious Stance - Increases critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously. Accuracy - Increases Accuracy. Continuously consumes MP. Equipment For Gracia + i suggest you to buy common items for jewels/weapons. Also u will see that i suggested you a dagger till lvl 40 because till that lvl you got skills for both weapons, dagger and bow, at the same power and considering your low mana, using a bow will just make you lose time resting (recharge mp). If you don't have money for both weapons to change the bow with the dagger when u got no mana just buy the dagger and you will be just fine. Keep in mind that having a dagger till lvl 70 will help you A LOT. Level 1-19 No Grade not an important lvl but the best you can get (only from Dion) is: Armor: Hard Leather Helmet Hard Leather Shirt Hard Leather Gaiters Bracers Low Boots Weapon: Composite Bow Sword Breaker Jewels: Blue Diamond Necklace Coral Earring Blue Coral Ring level 20-39 D Grade again not really important but the best you can get (with the help of blacksmith of mammon by paying some ancient adena) as for the armor there is something better but i find the time lost more importan than the time you will use this armor. Armor: Brigadine Helmet Manticore Skin Shirt Manticore Skin Gaiters Manticore Skin Gloves Manticore Skin Boots Weapon: Light Crossbow Mthril Dagger Jewels: Elven Necklace Elven Earring Elven Ring level 40-51 C Grade Armor: Full Plate Helmet Plated Leather Plated Leather Gaiters Full Plate Gauntlets Plated Leather Boots Weapon: Eminence Bow (Cheap Shot) Dark Screamer (Focus) Jewels: Nassen's Necklace Nassen's Earring Nassen's Ring level 52-60 B Grade Doom Light is a really good armor for offensive status compared to Blue Wolf Light which give you defensive bonuses. The only problem is that you will need to choose open field zones where mobs drop herbs because the armor give no mana regen like Blue Wolf and this problem will affect your farm a lot... If you don't have enough money for a B armor, use Plated Leather.... it will do the "thing". Armor: Doom Helmet Leather Armor Of Doom Doom Gloves - Light Armor Boots Of Doom - Light Armor Weapon: Bow of Peril (Quick Recovery) Kris (Focus) Jewels: Necklace of Black Ore Earring of Black Ore Ring of Black Ore level 61-75 A Grade Its obvious that you may not have money for Shyeed's Bow, so there is no problem in choosing Soul Bow (Quick Recovery). At this lvl armor depend on ur style, Majestic for +STR and a bit of more def. , Dark Crystal for +DEX. You can also choose Tallum Heavy too (INSANE atk speed, believe me... but insane loosing mp) Armor: Dark Crystal Helmet Dark Crystal Leather Armor Dark Crystal Leggings Dark Crystal Gloves - Light Armor Dark Crystal Boots - Light Armor Weapon: Shyeed's Bow (Focus) Bloody Orchid (Focus) Jewels: Majestic Necklace Majestic Earring Majestic Ring level 76-79 S Grade If you dont have money for armor, keep collecting adena for S80 and use ur A grade. Armor: Draconic Leather Helmet Draconic Leather Armor Draconic Leather Gloves Draconic Leather Boots Weapon: Draconic Bow (Focus) Jewels: Tateossian Necklace Tateossian Earring Tateossian Ring level 80-83 S80 Grade Because Moirai appeared in Freya you will choose Dynasty till that chronicle. Armor: Moirai Leather Helmet Moirai Leather Breastplate Moirai Leather Legging Moirai Leather Gloves Moirai Leather Boots Weapon: Icarus Spitter (Focus) Jewels: Moirai Necklace Moirai Earring Moirai Ring level 84+ S84 Grade Armor: Vesper Leather Helmet Vesper Leather Breastplate Vesper Leather Legging Vesper Leather Gloves Vesper Leather Boots Weapon: Vesper Thrower (Focus) Jewels: Vesper Necklace Vesper Earring Vesper Ring Regarding the above items, try to get the "Chaos" ones which will give you more bonuses per part of the set. Epic items If you got access to them. Armor: Elegia Leather Helmet Elegia Leather Breastplate Elegia Leather Legging Elegia Leather Gloves Elegia Leather Boots Jewels: Necklace Of Valakas Zaken's Earring Earring Of Antharas Ring Of Baium Ring Of Queen Ant Dyes For Majestic (at A gr) +Str -Con (4) For Dark Crystal (at A gr) but in general too +Dex - Con (2) For Farm +Str -Con (4)+Dex -Con (2) Atributes For Hellbound+ chronicles Weapon Fire Armor till Freya Holy Dark Water Wind Earth Armor after Freya Try to get as much different atributes as you can, since now you can put 3 different types on the same piece of the item. Keep in mind that i did not played archers that much, nor newer chronicles... im kinda newbie in attribute system, but this is what i tested, used and heard. Triggers (subclass skills) Emergent Ability Physical Damage x3 Class-Specific Ability skills Counter Haste - From Warrior Subclass - 3% chance to increase Atk.Spd. when attacking Counter Barrier - From Enchanter Subclass - 3% chance to become temporarily invincible to damage (but not debuffs) when under attack Counter Defense - From Tank Subclass - 3% chance to increase P.Def and M.Def when under attackInstead of last 2, you can choose Great Physical Offense and Critical Rate (if you think ur triggers have too low rate). Skills Enchantment Double Shot Mainly you will enchant it on Power, but for gracia+ you will enchant it on the attribute you use on your weapon. Elemental HealCost just because you may need it in oly where your mana is very precious. EntagleChance. Soul of SagittariusAdd Defense. Stun ShotChance. Arestenchant it on chance. Ultimate EvasionTime. Vicious StancePower. AccuracyCost. End word I hope this guide will atract more ppl to this class and if i did some mistakes, please correct me, i'll edit it and also try to improve it in the future. Credits, oh sheesh fully me but ofc... thanks to pmfun/stratics. -Sido.
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