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Everything posted by Sido

  1. not nice, very nice :) thank you for sharing with us
  2. nice website as always but u kinda repeat some elements :P
  3. i have a top site, but there is a problem, my web host have the ports are needed closed. as far as i know and searched/read i didnt find a solution to open this ports, but i guess there is a way i can make the online checker to check through other "machine" (i mean, he will send the data on other pc, this second pc will check if those ip's/ports are on, and after the data come back on my top site). if someone have any info, or can make this thing, please contact me :P
  4. am lovit un dvd player pentru ca eram beat :)))
  5. oh, atunci tu ai dreptate si eu nu, imi cer scuze :) imi cam pierd interesu cand vad asa cv la inceput de "feature" :P si nu mai citesc si restu. oricum asta tot nuti da buletin.
  6. nu te cunosc dar asta nu ma obliga si ma opreste sami dau cu parerea. mam tot abtinut sa spun, dar vad ca totusi nu vrei sa dovedesti contrariul, mai mult de 14 ani nuti dau copilas. apropo de dovezi valide si solide atata timp cat e acel "IF" eu alt ceva nu inteleg.
  7. te simti :)) ? atata timp cat stuck sub e doar pt donatori, atunci da e rahat de server pentru mine :)) poate fi el fix 100%, eu nu gasesc sens sa joc pe el atata timp cat nedonand eu < un donator, indiferent de cat de "pro" as fi in L2.
  8. this is sh!t "Substuck system Well the name should say it all. If you are a premium, got 25 premium points and active substuck at the substuck manager your subclass skills will appear on your main class as well. The trick is you can do it only on same race. "
  9. plictiseala, un serv de HB de PvP nu gasesc si eu :(
  10. sad u cant give me that + QQ right now i finished HB quest on a low rate L2 serv, and i farm as an animal :D after ill update the thread, maybe with new kind of buttons.
  11. i dont care, u can buy or not, u choose not him. and even if is copy/paste , if is copied right, since i dont know exactly how and im not the only one. there will be ppl to buy.
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