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Everything posted by Sido

  1. if you succeed i will reward u some how :) btw a tip with eclipse com.l2jarchid.gameserver LoginServerThread.java private static final int REVISION = 0x0102; change that nr with the respective chronicle ... this told me seth
  2. yes but since we argue on the same thing from 2 pages by now, i guess we start to be offtopic.
  3. aveam un cs pt care imi trebea aim, dadeau botii prin perete :)))
  4. i heard that i can make 1 serv to be able connect on the other login (being on other chronicle) if someone can make this contact me please.
  5. i just love drama, and ppl that eat sh!t and they say noo this are goodies. in all my post i pointed that there is writed critical STRIKE , no he say is normal critical like focus and etc. but will all this i dont want to spam in the wrong section xD
  6. not only con , all this bonuses will save ur ass better then few P def :) here u said, and not only u this are the stats of the armor READ ALL MY POST NOT ONLY 2 WORDS , AND ANSWER TO ALL POST NOT ONLY ON WHAT U WANT ill stop here since we are offtopic from long time and u still eat sh!t. i dont want to make easy adena on a spot with weak mobs like u. ill not argue anymore kid.
  7. read my last post. morons are morons
  8. omg finito ur beeping stupid, sorry to tell u. i tried and tried to not tell u but... first of all that IS critical STRIKE NOT CRITICAL CHANCE . its for chance to succed ur skills not to give a critical. GOT IT ??? second , DEX/critical grow ur chance of skills (aka the strike ) and STR/strenght the lethal chance . and third but not last, CON grow STUN/SHOCK resistance this beeing a MUST for daggers. if 1 con does not matter then why da fack u still ad +4 con , 1 or 4 ... is not a big deal right ? go and play mario, there u can wear as many mushrooms as u want.
  9. Physical Attack +6.59% + 1% more simple atk speed + stun rezist from con + hp from con + critical chance i see u dont know what mean strike in L2 / what give con / and what is physical please stop playing custom xxxxx pvp servers. and if u dont know a class just say your opinion dont try to convince somebody. give facts not ideas. elegia is made for dagers and vorpal for archers
  10. u said this plenty of times... just stop repeating yourself like a bot. P def u think u will got imba P def ? with vorpal ?? no but with elegia u got more hp/ more stun rezist / way more atk speed / critical STRIKE chance (success rate of skills) i see u know nothing about daggers.
  11. ofc :) i didnt played epilogue so my choose may be wrong, but according to the stats u posted, that i wold choose ofc if the dif between P def is not > 100 :)
  12. bass bass bass, get down fa fa fa sol la si.
  13. yes, that serv i posted got gracia + hb , on the same login. if u got installed gracia u can login on the gracia serv , if u got hb , u can play the hb servers. but even like that u can see all servers online. i cant modify port in .ini , since there i cant write only GS port, and login is the same, i start 2 servers + 2 logins, but i would be able to use only the login that start first.
  14. in l2off work, for example www.lineage.ro (aka L2dex) but in l2j .... should work too :D
  15. how can i run 2 diff servers (for example gracia + c5) in 1 server? i know i can run same chronicles , but how i can run 2 servers , even in 1 login, but diff chronicles... in 1pc. does anyone know ? myservers start but not connect to login server (1 of them)
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