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Everything posted by Sido

  1. the price is to big imo. i guess my buttons worth more but they are for free :)) anyway not smth special :D
  2. eu am primit cadou un stick 2gb, miar fi treb unu de 5 atat am eu o partitie pe care o folosesc doar pt a salva date, si cand formatez formatez fara acea partitie :P dar no comment calu de dar nu se cauta in dinti. + de mult imi doream unu ca imi este necesar dar mereu dadeam banii pe alte chestii :))
  3. not a nice guide (as aspect) btw this is the image for focus chance and its not a corect guide.
  4. i dont need to learn greek to be able see the images first of all im SD on a low rate, and it seems u took bad dances. and the fist buff for what ? from EE do u use shield on dagger ? anyway u posted weapons for PvP but u took buffs for PvE too. theca armor is not the best at C gr, ill go for a Plated Leather +4 str -1 con , is much better on farm and on that lvl where mobs dont give big dmg and u must farm fast, being not an important thing to remain for long on that lvl. and drake is much better too, having best P Def than alls , and giving bonus for M def, being a must at PvP Cursed Maingauche dagger, is not the best at D gr, and that lol SA he got is LoL and not useful . Mithriel dagger is much better. + as i said u posted weapons for PvP , weapons with Focus Are much better than those for farm.
  5. nam zis acum, dar dak ai salvate sau ai unde salva datele imp care le ai pe pc, formatarea dureaza 30 min + max 30 instalarea restu de drivere, + acum nuj ce net ai tu dar eu in alte 30 min descarc jocurile care le am + 30 min instalarea lor deci in 2 ore am totul gata. dar defragmentarea aia dureaza cam 4 ore dak nu iti da erori si termini mai rpd pt ca nu poate defragmenta anumite fisiere :))
  6. know what ? how to play a dagger or what u write there ?
  7. nu ba chiar e recomandat :) dar la ce ai tu acolo ar fi mai usor un format ;))
  8. bad tutorial u missed some things, and some things u posted bad :) no thanks i dont need it :))
  9. daca ii dai defragmentare, dami reportul te rog si dinainte si dupa.
  10. stai kmi face fite externu, nus la mine acasa si nare netu platit si ... ne este si lene sa ne miscam curu pan la isp :))) il platesc eu maine ca am luat nij bani pt un website. deci totul pare ok... dai un click dreapta pe local disk © sa zicem, proprietati , tools , defragment now , selecteaza driverul unde ai instalat L2, si apoi analyze zimi si tu acum cam cat % e cu rosu :)) daca si el iti zice ca ar treb defragmentat (fiind cam peste 50% rosu) dai o defragmentare. dureaza cv, o sati mearga destul de greu in timpul asta, dar merita.
  11. porneste 1 window, dai CTRL ALT DEL vezi performance PF Usage , si apoi porneste celalalt window , vezi par PF usage dami te rog ambele inregistrari. + dai la processes dai pe mem usage (in tabelu ala) si vezi ceti consuma cel mai mult si cati K dami primele 3 te rog ( cu ambele window on )
  12. sa nu fie de la isp-u tau (asta luand in considerare lucrurile externe) dual core mere, rami presupun ddr2. inainte iti mergea bine ?
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K59Tmrs9YD0 yubesc melodia asta :X brb sa mananc :))
  14. ce proc / rami ai ? + poate fi de la server, si dexu de exp a avut probleme cu isp-u. 1 fereastra mergea perfect, cealalta avea freez de 20 sec.
  15. prin urmare eu cu diploma in 5-7 pt nici o absenta eram erou :)) ca in a 8-a am dat de L2, no lifer pana in a 9 si jumate din a 10 cand am cunoscut o fata :)) si de atunci totul sa schimbat >.>
  16. hai k eu am fugit sami plimb prietena , zicea cv de scoala :)) webhosteru meu are nij probleme/updates cv face el, nuj sigur k si mie imi mere netu ca pl, momentan il fur:))
  17. atunci hai gogo baieti sai facem lu trance 200k :))
  18. hai trance k mai ai pan la 200k :)) iti dau eu sai faci si apoi imi dai back pt vip :))) ?
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