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Everything posted by DragonHunter

  1. Maybe it works maybe it does not work but I don't trust this program... Always fun a Trojan Horse virus... http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/d711392e3d8d0248c0fc0e05283520d9550e272227f1b2c7da7a3e8b97ffd308-1249169099 http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/a2acd3bc1a514d54634a849d1546b4d46f0dd69997653e4d438c93e97749b61b-1249169307 http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/9017276846bdd89384b08ad0fb6ddfe72127cd6c1b1e7f5ac5723f4f0d0ea6b5-1249169416
  2. 17 July - 2009: Injection - The injection can now make logs about when hes receiving packets and sending packets This is the log: Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Sending Packet to the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Sending Packet to the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Received Packet from the server Sending Packet to the server Received 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  3. I hope you have a good protection because I'm going to try to have alot of fun here (hacking :P)
  4. This is me programming the L2J Database Editor And showing my VisualBasic 2008 skills :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX2OYqNwtY4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I0_BZ5yEIU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HY6P3YgsGC4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-Dljo4mNCo Please watch it in HD
  5. Welcome to this tutorial about packet hacks I will explain about in this tutorial so keep reading to become a good packet hacker for Lineage2 ;) Lets explain first what everything is 1. What is a packet ? A packet is data that you received or sended to the server or in this case sended to the Lineage2 Java Server A packet is holding importtant data to communicate with the server/client so for example The Lineage2 Java server is running and I'm going to start the Lineage2 Client the first thing you about to do is filling in your password At the time you are going to login you will send packets in RSA encryption so be sure you cannot read it And in game using XOR with keys so the client/server can understand it 2. Flood (DDos) Flood attacks are just basicly that you are sending a packet (or a false packet) to the server to let the server being bussy on that So he will forget a bit about the other things he need to do and focussing about the packet ur sending so fast (lets say 50 Mili seconds) 3. Why can we reveice/send packets to the server using L2PHX The reason is that if L2PHX will receive a packet he will decrypt it very fast using XOR and keys and at the time you are going to Send a packet he will encrypt it fast again with the XOR and the keys to let the server understand it 4. Why can't L2PHX not understand the user information if you are about to login The reason is that L2PHX only is focussing at XOR encryption and the keys And the Login information is in RSA encryption so L2PHX wouldn't understand a thing and will not show it (even if its there) [Hidden Content]
  6. I'm hiding it for L2J Developer that will try to fix it while I'm creating this program If L2J Developers don't know what can the program can do, it will be not fixed that fast
  7. I'll use now changelogs so you can see what's changing... Changelog 9 July - 2009: Injection - Fixed some bugs now you can login normally 10 July - 2009: Injection - Fixed some bugs again and created more functions 11 July - 2009: Injection - Fixed a protocol error when you try to login
  8. It will inject to the game, No Port is required for the program ;)
  9. The NPC Editor is Cracked :) For the Source Code: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IML50D82 The Npc Editor is written in VisualBasic... [glow=red,2,300]Cracked by DragonHunter [/glow]
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzrULBdowrk Please watch it in HD :)
  11. Good news: The L2JDragon Packet Hacker can now run/Inject Lineage2 it will run lineage2 with the undetect able Injection ;) (finally after 20 hours of work...)
  12. I'm working everyday at it like 12hours a day that must be enough lol
  13. The injector will probatly work for all chronicles but remember that it needs to be undetected :) And for now I only tested it in Interlude
  14. I think I'm almost done with the injection once again :P The only thing for now is if you started lineage2 and injecting the game with the L2Injection.dll you won't be able to login Little tutorial how to login without any problems/undetected 1. Start the L2J Dragon Packet Hacker 2. Start Lineage2 3. Let the L2J Dragon Packet Hacker detect your lineage2 4. Login in game that your fully logged in so that you can walk and see some players... 5. Inject the L2Injection.dll by pressing at the button: Inject Lineage2 6. Your now able to give your self some items and many other things :D
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsgoQy5hjDQ&fmt=22 I made this video in the night and it was funny to let it crash :P
  16. I'm just hiding it for noobs and those l2j developers who think they can make protection against it :P I need to find more packets and need to work more at the program/injection
  17. Thread is unlocked, You need 1000 Posts to see it Only the cool people can see it :P
  18. I've been working at the Injection for a few hours... When I though i was done with the injection I was getting Errors/Disconnects in game And thats all fixed but to be sure you will not have any error/disconnect in game You must login (that you can run/talk in game etc...) Or else the game will probatly crash somehow And the best of all is that the Injection will not give any lagg in game :P I'll keep working :)
  19. I'm working right now for the .dll Injection to send packets and to Inject Lineage2 ;) For now its working ALMOST the only thing is that the program need to analyze the packets and send them back but for now when I Inject lineage2 with my injector I made I can't login because my program need to understand that he must analyze it... (funny prank virus for now to let no one login at lineage2 lol)
  20. I will make now the most greatest hacks for l2j (Database Hacking, Removing all databases) And maybe a nice decrypter for the passwords :)
  21. People People... Its still underconstruction I need to find few thousand packets, And there need to be done alot
  22. +1 Karma for the impressive tutorial/guide for making glows ;)
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