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Everything posted by CorLeoNe

  1. server closed 2 days for updates old time will be back - BleuDragon i will post here the updates after the server will be back online
  2. i dont belive how stupid you (the cheaters) can be. if cheaters dont work on evo , you think to post comments on hopzone where you lie so much, just to make harm. GG
  3. nowone hacked the server. you allready start liyng ? I want to see some screens from now, not from the old server, if you want to belive you. If you dont have any dont lie here with stupid comments
  4. not, its not the same patch. if you want to log in please download the new one from how to connect section
  5. The past dont matter now, only the present and the future. So, for all ppl that want to try a good interlude server without custom items, with balance classes , daily events and a nice community I recomand it (for toastgodsupreme) And now for you coyote Yes , the elemental skills have the same reuse and power but you need only one seed (any type) to use them. At the exchanger you can find many items like (lifestones, recovery scrolls and others) . tvt is automated but the gms make at least 2 events / day where you can win very usefull things like enchants, blessed scrolls and others. Crystal scroll dont exists now , but in the future maybe. Anti-noob means that not every kid can connect with evo , because you need to understand the connection guide 1st. Accounts are automaticaly created but if you dont respect the indications from how to connect section you will not be able to log in . I hope that you will understand and try the remake EVO. HF
  6. I want to see someone from this entire forums that can bypass evo protection systems. Indeed the server was wiped because of to many hackers and there was no balance between classes , etc. Now he has a fresh start with the one of the best protection against scammer, hackers and noobs, class balance is 90% , and its a lot of fun on it. I dont want to say that its the best or the worst server, just to try it and please dont make offtopic here. You can ask about server features, etc but STOP with this stupid comments.
  7. Server has a fresh start from 15.08.2009 . If you farm in newbie safe zone you will not have any problems. The enchant rate is 70% with safe +3 and max +20, so its not so hard to make your items And the most important thing its that on eVo you will not see 1 cheater or scammer. Just one big happy family :D Raule: please don't double post.
  8. server dont have custom items, so what you mean with overpowerd ? are just normal items, a lot of fun and a great community ! TRY IT
  9. who want to see a real protection, try to log in with pvp on evo nothing works there
  10. I`m glad to inform you that we open a new kind of EVO server with no custom items, balance classes , daily events and a lot o fun. I dont want to say that this is the best or the worst interlude server, only to try it ! If you like it, bring your friends and lets have some fun on it ! Server Info: | Rates: 500x Xp 500x Sp 500x Adena | Enchant Rate: 70% with +3 safe for all, max +20 | Karma Drop Rate: 30% after 100 PK | PvP Flag Time: 2 min | Bless Rate: 100% ------------------------------------------------ Server Features | Custom GM Shop | Custom NPC Buffer | Working Hero Class | Custom GateKeepers | Custom NPC Wedding | Custom NPC Noblesse | Custom NPC Exchanger | Custom NPC Warehouse | Working Nobles Class | Stable Build 100% Uptime | Olympiad (hero weapon enchant system) | C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/Interlude features and stats working ------------------------------------------------ Special Features | Anti hack system | Anti noob system | Pk title color system | No custom armors or items | Daily cool and fun events | PvP nickname color system | Custom Raid Boss (boss jwls) | Regeneration 100% (mana,cp,hp) | Many Farming Areas + Fishing Spots (all at GK) | Archers have higher atack speed ! (1 skill/sec) | Anti scammers system (here you will not see 1 scammer) | Mages need just one seed (4 times) to use elemental skills | New system for PvP Combat (delay 0) (reuse 1) for all skills | Subclass system : 3 non-stackable subclasses on a single char available ------------------------------------------------ The 1st Lineage II Server special created for PvP Combat Mode with No Rulles and Special Features This server will bring a true revolution in Lineage 2 gaming, with one of the best dedicated teams available running it for you. What are you waiting for ? Download the patch and join EVO community ! How to connect: http://www.l2evo.ro/downloads-download-a-play.html Website: www.l2evo.ro Forum : www.l2evo.ro/forum Contact: l2evolva@gmail.com
  11. lol. and i make enchant events with 100% enchant rate for 30 minutes !
  12. forum is in english language but maybe you dont recognize it +10 on weapon for a comment ? when i sayd that ? it seems that you cannot stop lying but this is you the cheaters are you canno play fair without them. THEN STAY OUT
  13. if you check the server comments and the forums you will see that i do my best to improve and balance the server. magaki you didnt see that you mather here ? please dont reply with stupid answers like yourself
  14. server is very cool, allready has 80+ players. so ? i think is very OK
  15. check my server comment , they are very good, so dont try to lie again like you allways do.
  16. the website is under construction soon will be rdy until then you can download the patch and try the server
  17. website: www.l2evo.ro auto create accounts on
  18. go and learn english doc. on my server dont work cheats, if you dont belive it ...try it yourself
  19. nop. only 4 or 5 persons from here that tryed to cheat
  20. allready 100+ players JOIN NOW BECAUSE TOMORROW WILL BE TO LATE !!!!
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