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About 0din

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. too bad this game died out =( had potetinonal
  2. ye format <3
  3. torrent is the best tbh
  4. l2gold is a really nice server u should try it out :)
  5. just wait soem time between enchanting it
  6. omg lawl-.- yea just double click it
  7. Gj Mate too bad i cant see it yet:(
  8. VoodooX lawl GO TEAM VODOO!!
  9. I Tried this out i did manage it too the login screen but it doesnt want too log i think because the original l2.ini is decrypted and the linage2.exe not=.= if any1 knows how too fix it pm meh
  10. i Reccomend www.wowstatus.net But official pwnz all :)
  11. yo i playin a server that is the fast growing in 15 days 600 members wtf in its 20th day there moving already to a bigger server it would be nice that l2 walker is working on that server can someone search the token and protocol for me DID I MENTION IT GOT 48 EVENTS A DAY !!!!!! korean pvp Hardcore XD connection instructions: Go to your C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc folder. Open the hosts file with notepad (using other programs from a list). Make your hosts file looks like this [just copy and paste this]: localhost L2authd.lineage2.com (acc is autocreate) http://www.echokinetics.com/L2Highrate/ :roll:
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