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Everything posted by lineangel

  1. Very good server it worth a try..I will continue to play its one of the best server.
  2. When server opened..because i saw server on hopzone days ago..?Gl with it...
  3. I spoke with admin before and he said me that server is dedicated to company with one of the best ddos attack protect...
  4. And ecause you are NiggaStoleMyBike what that means?That you have the privis to say your -beep- and to spam the topic you dont like?
  5. Spam for +1 post.if any moderator see that plz ban him.All time this dude spaming to get one more post to his account..
  6. You think you are funny?Kid because you are noob and to all servers you are 2 hit down you try to hack server?hahahaha kid you will never learn to play l2.
  7. MmmRrrBug you think you are smart noobish player?Dont tell shits to the admins that you will not let them open the server and others you are only a -beep-ing kid 10 years old.
  8. I have to say good luck to admins/gms and to all players that will log to this server..Have fun thats the only we have to do and not make enemies in game because they killed you..Make good items farm hard and go for pvp,the better will win..See ya all in game today.
  9. I just asked something and noone answered me..When will the faction server open again.?
  10. Yes low the max enchant of wep/armor to 10 better.!
  11. Yes here we say our opinions what we prefer to be the server better if you want can listen the players or do what you believe its better.Now some dudes have full rb set and pwn all in farm zones thats boring go die to villlage and again again again they make fun but we want a real pvp with same items.If you have better clan you have better items thats i learn from your server..You do from where and then what you want..Just upload here your opinion to les us know what you want.
  12. FuzyUzy man you know that you are wrong now..Farmable is more easy more fun and more pvp.Till someone get vote reward will be afk ppl all time in giran.So listen the players and dont do what you really beleive that is right.With vote reward you can put other items..Like ls/caradine/and other custom items that you believe that they will not change the balance of server..I mean tatoo of mage tatoo of gihter giving small very small stats 100 p def mdef for exmple..!My opinion and i think the opinion from a lot of ppl that is on your server.!
  13. Justex says the things good..My opinion is that the rb system have to be just hard one boss jewel for example costing 5k fa that will be good because and enw players when joing server farm for rb jewels and not wait the reward or to join a clan to can pwn an enemie with full rb jewels.
  14. Before 5 mins with my clan we killed firtezza.Dudes is like official with videos with the 3 transformations of Scarlet very good work.
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