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Everything posted by vernados

  1. Euxaristw poli file m to provlima lithike kapios na to kanei lock ! :D
  2. papaditsa euxaristo poli to topic s me voithise apira apla exw ena problima kai an mporouses na me voithiseis tha imoun poli evgnomon "otan ena mob rixnei enan xaraktira ta items tou peftoun san na exei karma ti mporw na kanw gia auto?
  3. otan peftei o char apo mob peftoun kai items an kapios mporei na voitheisei tha t eimoun poli evgnomon :(
  4. Nice file euxaristw poli :P
  5. xaxaaxsaxaxa ellinokolozoistiko? ?? ? ti einai auto egw px vazw vernados :D
  6. ok kai pes oti kanw pt recall mia xaroula to thema einai oti me ton healer mporw na mpo sto clan gt eimai xrisimos gt na mn pigenw me to clan se raid esto kai san healer na mazeuw apo to drop kai na ta dinw ston main char m???
  7. i need something to kick the hackers out of my friend server if enybody know something plz tell me i will be obliged!!!!
  8. thelw boithia gia na petakso tous hacker ekso apo ton aion privete server enos filou mou! an kapios kserei kati parakalw na me boithisei tha tou eimai pantotina upoxreos!
  9. where is the abyss gate? freaked out
  10. where i find a wings i need a help i play in the private server
  11. how i make a legion
  12. gia emena o kaliteros char einai o maestro mporei na exei liga attake skills alla exei poli hp kai cp exei to golem kai aneta mporeis na pas se siege gia ti exei kai siege pet!
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