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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. Hi guys After this reply i take it as a request And i make this uzi Hope you like it Download: Uzi_by_SoFaKi.rar Credits to: SoFaKi
  2. gratz for karma you have a request to do
  3. Hello i present you my new work Called Makarov PistoL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtAnWMLgyQE So do you like it? Download: MakarovPistol_by_SoFaKi.rar Credits to: SoFaKi
  4. kanw post gian dw to topic
  5. muhahahahahaha my bandage is DA BEST like a cyber one :o great work chandy i love it ofc and downloading it :P ps: thx a lot :)
  6. Here one more spamboy http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=42136
  7. this is not my 1st edit this is my 1st work with animations anyway i like it xD
  8. So here is my 1st model I call it Da Fukin Sword So you like it? Download: DAFukinSword_by_SoFaKi.rar Credits: SoFaKi (modeling,skinning)
  9. Realmente me gusta su trabajo chandy i am waiting for my bandage
  10. Holy Moly very nice edit chandy xD where is japanese flag? >.>
  11. Sumfono me arketa paidia katalupseis apo atoma p to kanoun mono gia magia kai gia aragma kai pou meta lene oti einai pl palouki ola opos 3i lukeiou panelinies kai mlkies pou klaine meta stis TV oti dn exoun douleia POU NA BROUN DOULEIA? AMA EINAI OLI MERA ARAXTOI? NOMIZETE OTI FETOS EISTAI ARAXTOI KAI TOU XRONOU 8A STROSETE? eidate pou8ena kanena on/off koumpaki? oti blepw egw stin tv p lene dn exw douleia dn uparxei douleia kai tetoia einai MALAKIES opios 8elei briskei douleuw apo ta 13 m kai exw brei tou kosmou tis douleies pote dn eipa dn exw douleia oi perisoteroi pantos to kanoun gia magia gt 3eroun oti 8 tous sunturoun mexri ta 30 tous kai oi alloi einai mlkes kai akolou9oun opos leei ena anekdoto: Pos katalabenoume oti o Xristos itan Ellinas? Zouse mexri ta 30 me ti mana tou
  12. i can search (i use chrome maybe the browser is the prob)
  13. Hmmm i dont like the avatars at all everyone knows that i am noob at avatars but those are so ... so :P i like the abstract one (ur current one)
  14. some of my brushes/fonts i use http://www.4shared.com/file/125385326/8baa2c3a/Fonts.html
  15. Triti: 8eoria ergastirio -dialima- ergastirio ergastirio -dialima- ergastirio ergastirio -dialima- ergastirio dn uparxei kanenas sumantikos logos gia n ginei katalupsei 8a deite ti klamata exete n ri3ete otan pate 3i lukeiou kai ta mikra 8a kanoun katalupsei 8a to exete tupseis meta mia zwi kai opos tora uparxoun kai paidia pou 8eloun na kanoun kati sti zwi tous kai apo ti blepete ama rotiseis ena paidi gt kaneis katalipsei dn 8a 3erei tpt sumantiko to exete parei pl stin plaka kanenas dn noiazete pragmatika gia to mellon tou mexri na ta brei mprosta tou parto xampari einai merika xronia mono afora ti zwi sas ama to ri3ete sti plaka tora meta 8 sas gamane oi alloi gia plaka fantasou n eixate sxoleio kai to savvato ti klama eixe na pesei i diki m gnwmi einai oti etc megalonei o ari8mos anergias,eglimatikotitas kai emo sto planiti
  16. +1 btw strike i like ur current sign
  17. I like most ur current sign with the dragon but the only bad on it is this grey on the text :P i like ur style and now i have stop making 1 style only and i will use them all :P
  18. such a noobs xD Here we go: THE ONLY PROG YOU WANT IS "PHOTOSHOP" NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS i will make a guide in a few days
  19. Holy Moly xD awesome work tk xD i will have soon a whole set (hihihihi) u deserve the karma :D
  20. sorry for the delay i make it fast cause i am in hurry cause i must go xD hope u like it here a simple one comments (i have psd file)
  21. i will try stay tuned xD
  22. +1 copy from the old video that we have it as inspiration and not like to take its parts xD ripped video xD EDIT: 7:19 time LOL this is a adver.. video or a movie? xD
  23. Real name: Sofaki Nickname: SoFaKi GFX Experience: some months Programs that you can use: Photoshop Age(does not really matter but it's good to know xD): 18 E-mail: soko0ko0@hotmail.com
  24. here he has some spam posts http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=58774
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