8elw tsikoulata xD
pantos auti apo to msn me epri3e xD
leei 8elei 20 euro gt tis eipan kapoioi oti ama dn tous ta dosei smr mexri tis 5 8a poun kati stous goneis tis kai mlkies
kai einai apla eleos i katastasi xD
basika peftw gia ka8ome stin akri xD
kai exei rodakia i karekla xD
opote otan gelaw feugei piso xD
kai kato uparxei xali >.> opote o kolos m einai normal color xD
[gr] o devangell enoei oti auto to topic itan sto client mods sections kai egine move edw nmz :/
mazi me ta alla custom sou... auto les devangell?? [/gr]
(ME)Ο χρήστης - # [c=4]怒[/c]スダ [c=4]L[/c]eNa[c=4]L[/c]ee. . λέει:
den mporw allo
ama s nikisw sto dota
mporw na s parw to award?
8elw na 3ekinisw sullogi
8a parw akoma kai ta award tou DAWN
(KENJI)Ο χρήστης [c=1]Kris ο Σκληροπυρηνικός μες 'το Πνεύμα[/c] λέει:
This is a new kind of spam? :/
From Vazelos Topic
i think its a big difference bettwen signs and rate
friendly always revenger xD
but i saw this guy post rates without say way xD
just to increase his post amount XD
well kobeshoot u are trying to learn right??
you have to pay a visit at MasterDisaster's Aio Signature Tutorials ( we thanks him for that )
it will have all the way to top :P
From begginers until pro signs ;)
no just... u told me you are pro xD
but aliens??? WTF THEME IS THAT XD
bad quality render blabla bla :P
i will challenge u on my fav theme so watch out xD