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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. the name is not from the currency :3 its from the words "dalla dalla" which means lazy
  2. now you are one of them!
  3. you can troll but at the "Personal" it's kinda better to avoid joking around XD
  4. true but don't forget that your "power" is like one of the admin, so every suggestion would be discussed ( there are trolls ofc but there are people who are mature enough to talk with you )
  5. it's a step to learn to rely in yourself
  6. well the Dollars are kinda everything, from a place to meet a new people, a place to complain about anything, a place to ask for help from people all around the world without fear or hesitation, you can be an Anonymous or you can grow a big name in the Dollars. Simple you can do anything you desire with the support of 150k+ members around the world
  7. updated with video and new infos
  8. Just who are the Dollars? To put it simply, we are a group united in transparency. Our flag has no color, and our members are not bound to hierarchy. At over 150,000 strong from across the globe, we have many smaller cells, but there is no true leader. Age, ethnicity, economic status, ability; none of that matters here; everyone is equal. While we do consider ourselves a "gang," we abhor violence and go out of our way to bring peace, justice and prosperity to our respective communities. We want to show the world that people like us are not to be feared. Many of the Dollars vow to give what they can, and our only reward is motivating others to join our cause. Anyone can join. Just say you're in the Dollars, and you're in. Spread the word. We use a Bulletin Board System to congregate and bounce ideas off one another, as well as being a place for general discussion of shared hobbies and interests. We are the Dollars, and we welcome you in open arms! PS: If you want to join at the Dollars pm me for the password
  9. re as mpei to kopeli sto pc tou paidiou me teamviewer na anevasei ta logs
  10. [GR] gia to meros/magazi ennow :P
  11. [GR] 3eroume pou 8a ginei to event?
  12. einai pragmatika xamenos xronos, emena enas filos mou anagkastike na stamatisei na douleuei gia na paei fantaros kai tora den vriskei douleia
  13. arazoun oli mera :P upiretei enas kalos m filos kai mou leei me leptomeries ti kanoun, mia fora stous 4 mines tous eipan 8a pane gia gumnastiki kai tous eixan se kati kerkides na kapnizoun kai meta tous eipan elate teliosame pame mesa, ( e3odo mera para mera btw alla epeidi einai akriva logo touristikis perioxis ka8onte mesa kai trone pagoto puraulo me 50 lepta )
  14. mas apokalipses. eimaste ta eloxim kai se sunergasia me ta M.M.E prospa8oume na lasposoume ti X.A gia na paroume tin Ellada gia emas, mpravo Liakopoule
  15. den mporei na to kanei auto :P oute 8a ton afinan na to kanei mias kai tous plasarous upoxreotika palio stratiotiko e3oplismo gia na agorazoun
  16. 8elei na katargisei tis 8ities kai oxi tin upar3i stratou, se periptosi polemou 3ereis poious 8a kalesoun? oxi mono autous pou exoun upiretisei alla tous pantes mexri kapoia sugkekrimeni ilikeia + oti pernas epanekpedeusi, opote i 8iteia einai makran o pios xamenos xronos zwis
  17. giati apla grafei o alvanos kai o pakistanos ( giauto kai bgainoun aristouxoi eno to meso ellinaki pianei vasi )
  18. stin a8ina menw :3 pigenw ka8e mera me sigkinonies p einai gemates me pakistanous,alvanous kai ena swro 3enous. oloi eugenikoi kai komple :3 anti8eta opote vlepw ellinopoula mou 3inizei to mati giati akous faseis opos "xaxaxa des pos einai o vromiaris o pakistanos"
  19. edw tis proales mpikan sto spiti apo 4 aigiptious pou einai kai nomima stin ellada :P tou spasan e3w to ama3i kai tous sapisan sto 3ulo
  20. 1on nazi den uparxoun sti Germania mono lol, oi ligoteroi nazi briskonte sti Germania kai KANENA allo kratos tou kosmou den epitrepei se nazistiko group na ginei nomimo koma, alla edw einai ellada 2on i X.A den endiaferete gia to an eisai metanastis i la8rometanastis :P noiazete MONO an den eisai ellinas, den endiaferete na se dio3i apo tin ellada, 8elei mono na se spasei sto 3ulo p mpikes sto kopo na er8eis edw (den eida kanenan xrusaugiti na dioxnei kapion) 3on i X.A dimiourgi8ike san neonazistiko koma, tora an sou lene oti den einai poia eisai se epipedo "genius" den sou exoun ma8ei to pisteue me ta matia sou?
  21. na ton kaneis op kai 8a stamatisei apo mono tou
  22. Frank sorry pou e8esa ta osa eipa se prosopiko epipedo kai ta pernw pisw, alla o tropos pou vlepw ta pramata genika den allazei
  23. kai oi 4 nomimoi itan kai des ti pa8an, o ratsismos den koitaei xartia file mou kai i karamela tou "mono la8rometanastes exoume sto stoxastro" katantaei aidia gt einai pio pseutika kai apo ta vuzia tis pamela des exeis kan epipedo lol. kai polu pou me etsou3e to -1, an eisai toso kalo member wste na les oti einai forum zita apo enan moderator na sou kanei dekarma giati egw den
  24. egw den exw elliniki katagwgi, den eklepsa kai den exw kanei kako pou8ena alla 8a prepei na fovame min mpoune xrusaugites SPITI MOU? imarton diladi
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