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About pempe

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Yes we made a deal, he wanted this timeline with project, and we agreed for 100 Euros. I gave him Owner status, but he sent me only 20 Euros and told, that he changed his mind. He asked for 20 Euros back, but i told, that i will accept this as donation, and would not send the money back. Then he dropped out me from workspace. I somehow didn't paid atention about this, until he started to do something with workspace. The i wrote to assembla administration, explained everything, and got it back. That's how it was, i have nothing to hide :)
  2. Remember one thing. You broke our deal and then tried to thief from me, thats what you get...
  3. DumanisT we will see about that. DumanisT you are a bad person you know... I got my space back.
  4. Few notices: 1)Good luck :) 2)Equal didn't closed in 1 week (after +6 months i had a break, and now continue). 3)One mans team is the best team (in my opinion ;D) :) 4)Archid, are not "add a config" project. There are really smart guys out there. 5)All projects are only forks from l2jserver (not 100prec. sure about this, but i think so) 6)Credits. I always add credits to commits, when they are taken from other timelines. I can't understand one thing... Is it a shame to take other peoples nice work and use it? Anyone read GPL? 7)I see you (urbanhack) are a little shamed to show whose source is this. Can I ask why? Anyway, i wish you good luck, believe me, you gonna need it ;D Minutis.
  5. Know that, but if he's Setekh now, so we need to call him like this.
  6. Setekh, could you tell me how old are you, and what is your java knowledge?
  7. Why you people don't join in one project I don't understand... Archid is/was (don't know srry if "is") good project, DoT is also a good project, but why you (Stef) don't continue that work? And why you left Archid?
  8. Stef, why you change so many projects? L2DoT -> L2Equal -> L2Archid -> L2HardCore (these i know about).
  9. Delete Jscript folder instead create scripts folder and put all quests and jscript there.
  10. Stefoulis15 and Kidzor you guys are bastards. Stefoulis15: i still don't see why you couldn't be on my team by your original nickname, and about that fighting, do you remember why we fought? You asked for credits, that DoT was created by you. And i didn't added your name to credits, instead i put there whole DoT team. And i didn't kicked you becouse of any serious fight, i kicked you becouse of inactivity. And at least please add credits to my code, like I add credits to any synced revs from your pack. Kidzor: you could be at least little friendly, like then when you asked me to your team, yes i don't know how to use maven, yes you know java better than me, but my current java knowledge isn't 0 and not all my work are syncs to other packs. I took only few revs from archid, and when you were closed i released ~200revs on my own. I never called your code shity, it's not really nice... You guys have good brains, but are fucking assholes. Minutis.
  11. Equal not died, just i will start go to university. So more knowledge, less free time, i will continue with project.
  12. Write me in pm, what are the phx bugs and what is trade bug. //tvt i will not fix now, there are more important bugs to fix.
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