Stefoulis15 and Kidzor you guys are bastards.
Stefoulis15: i still don't see why you couldn't be on my team by your original nickname, and about that fighting, do you remember why we fought? You asked for credits, that DoT was created by you. And i didn't added your name to credits, instead i put there whole DoT team. And i didn't kicked you becouse of any serious fight, i kicked you becouse of inactivity. And at least please add credits to my code, like I add credits to any synced revs from your pack.
Kidzor: you could be at least little friendly, like then when you asked me to your team, yes i don't know how to use maven, yes you know java better than me, but my current java knowledge isn't 0 and not all my work are syncs to other packs. I took only few revs from archid, and when you were closed i released ~200revs on my own. I never called your code shity, it's not really nice...
You guys have good brains, but are fucking assholes. Minutis.