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Posts posted by Atayaia

  1. Hydra admins are good.... in one way... and for 1 reason..

    When theyr protection will be passed, they will add new protection in less then 1/2 week...


    I think that both Tilemachos and Masterwalker cannot spend theyr times everytime hydra change something.



    For you all that need it just wait and pray they have free time and no other things to do xD

  2. 1 more wit instead of 2k hp / 800 cp ? you must be kidding me




    just try it on a C4/C5... for example.



    I've specified "depend from a lot of thing...."... on Freya i'll never add +5 wit 'couse you can't have more 2k cast and 'couse you will lost a lot more hp/cp.



    There is various kind of play.. and you have just to adapt to gameplay.

    When i was playing, for example on elite (c4 server), You just cannot have an idea about how many sps with 800 hp and 300 cp more then me i've owned. (for sure K/D ratio was a lot positive xD )

  3. Useless (?) .. sorry i disagree with you, i will never find balance on C4/C5/IL [even L2OFF], comparing servers i preffer stay on last versions [FREYA or H5(when i find a good sv xD)]


    Are you serious?

    C4 and C5 was probably the most balanced Chronicle EVER.



    Btw i don't prefer play in old server... i wish to find a good freya (or higher) and start to play there...

  4. so many stupid argument so lets clean up the mess for a bit...


    1. TERA is NOT lineage TERA is made by developers who worked on lineage from C1 till interlude, than they got kicked out of the team for good(they leeched the lineage 3 sources).


    2.Lineage 3 was indeed planned but not going to happen because of the source leek they had.


    3.Lineage is NOT i repeat NOT freeking dead.


    Sum it up the new chronicles of lineage 2 are basically i rearranged versions of lineage 3.There will be no lineage 3 there will be more l2 chronicle instead.



    TERA Is made by developer who worked on lineage from C1, that's right, but they got kicked for other reason.

    There was some report about it from NCSOFT long time ago.

    I'll just quote what i wrote before:


    Last official announcement about L3 was: "PROJECT HAS BEEN DROPPED".


    That was when they got some tecnical issue with graphic engine. They were forced to dismiss the most part of engineers who was developing L3 to prevent other lost of money.

    These engineers formed a group and start to work on TERA, keeping the projects that they had already developed.


    2-3 probably like you said


    Btw Linage 2 is not a rearranged version of Lineage 3.

    If i'm not wrong there was already a lot of rumors about all the chronicle that NCSOFT was going to release in l2.. and that was before the problem with graphical engine and l3.

  5. Guys..


    Last official announcement about L3 was: "PROJECT HAS BEEN DROPPED".


    That was when they got some tecnical issue with graphic engine. They were forced to dismiss the most part of engineers who was developing L3 to prevent other lost of money.

    These engineers formed a group and start to work on TERA, keeping the projects that they had already developed.



    After these problems there is no communications, no announcements, no advise... NOTHING... about the developing of lineage 3.



    ... in some way we can say that TERA is Lineage 3.




    Btw, lineage 2 will grow a lot more. I don't remember where... so many time ago (years) i saw a full developed map of lineage 2...


    ... i hope here somebody have the full map (i didn't save a copy) and upload it to show..


    There is so many thing that will be implemented...

  6. From Epilogue baium blood is not necessary


    didn't know... :-O


    I'm looking for a good epilogue/freya mid rate where start to play to know all new things but there isn't right now...



    i prefer them like on old l2g-oldschool

    they was easier to do,, they wasn't retail like actually

    and for noblesse u just needed to kill 4 rb, get 4 different crowns and u were noblesse

    so i'd like to them but in a easy way, or just the noblesse quest retail like


    So there weren't any moonstone or other items?


    What about sub class quest?

  7. Hey in a few days new interlude server will open .

    I want your help with the features.

    i want some good ideas for good features.



    IMO... you are going to create one of the worst il server ever realized.



    Your topic here just let us have an idea about your l2 server knowledge.


    It is not "give me an idea"...

    How somebody may give you an "idea" if you don't say what kind of server are you building?


    If you say "in a few days".. it mean that you have already all server full builded and ready.... So?

  8. imo is rate higher than 15x there is no need to make q.


    I disagree..


    The point on make those quest a "must" is to prevent a lot of annoying thing...



    Quests will take you something like 3/4 hours (for both 2) so you will not do nobless with all your bots but just with your main characters..

    (i know there are nerds that will make noble also to theyr pet... but not all)


    and.. blazing swamp is too cool for pvps xDD




    Btw make 600 moonstone could be annoying too.. So probably best "combo" is to able both 2 quest but make them shorter...

    *increase amount of moonstone dropped (x5 for example)

    *increase barakiel and other raid respawn time



    ..... dunno about baiums blood...

  9. The reason of this topic is easy.

    I was discussing with a friend about a server with "ideal" features



    Sincerely i prefer have both quest to do or at least nobles one...

    it mean less ppl with nobless..

    less ppl feeding in oly...

    less idiot around in "kamikaze mode" to make a debuff or a single attack...



    What do you think about?


    I'll appreciate if you post your thoughts


    [edit] That's for a server where you can get just ~76 buff from NPCbuffer and no special...

    ..it mean no cov/cat/pow/ecc...[/edit]




  10. Imo... Open a new IL server = no sense.


    There are thousands IL server... and that's their life:

    - Born with a lot of player

    - Grow for 2 month with a lot of player

    - Stop the growth and half player leave

    - Still resist less then 1 year

    - Dies.

    (at least for mid-rate)


    If you are able to make a REALLY BALANCED IL and manage it very good you can survive for little more then 1 year... but probably you will never celebrate 2 years of success.



    The only kind of server that actually TOTALLY MISS in the l2 world is a Mid-Rate (35x~70x) Freya with good features.


  11. Its an very old chronicle so hack programms would be easier to use, like hlapex etc since its old.


    L2phx and other hack will NEVER work in a C4 off. Just try it on l2elite (for example).


    2) Bishops dont have cleanse and major heal.


    Where is the problem?


    I'm bishop since c3 and sincerely i had more fun on C4 then all other chronicles.

    At least it was balanced...

  12. I would play... but not in 5x.

    C4 mid rate (30x-50x) will probably reclute a lot more ppl then all other server... and would be more funny.



    Just take a look to l2elite. Dosmac don't do a shit from 3 years (maybe 4) and still have a lot of player in. If he did something to grow population now it probably could be one of the most populated server of lineage.

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