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Posts posted by Atayaia

  1. Hi Guys


    i'm trying to set L2net or l2walker to use them on l2sublimity ( www.l2sublimity.com ). It is an interlude l2off server.

    I've followed some guide that i found on forum but i'm unable to let l2net work on it (same for walker). It seems like protected.


    In this server is so boring farm alone 'couse you need to spoil so many thing... that's why i need and i'm trying to get a spoiler bot.


    There are somebody that know how use l2net or l2walker on l2sublimity?


    I checked on forum old topics but i didn't found a good answer for my problem..


    If you don't have time to help me, please just drive me on a guide or a program that may help.



    +1 Karma to who will give me a working l2net or walker on this server.



    Thanks in advance for your answer and your helps.

  2. I tryed a lot of time use this "bug" and i have my idea now about it.


    I got a lot of high enchanted items (for sure more then normal enchant) but i think that this is not the "SAFE Enchant" we wish..


    If you try a lot of time you will notice that when your item broke, the window with the enchant action, close a little before then the other case. I noticed that it happen a lot of time (without lag).


    Btw i cannot say that this "trick" don't work 'couse a lot of time it happened also that both items don't get any enchant also if windows say that enchant was end with succesfull (that's probably mean that item was crystallized).


    At the end we will need to be lucky like ever..


  3. And if you really want to do something nice , make ALL safe +10 max +10 (100% enchant rate) , add an augment system with 0.05% chance of skill , some LS farm zone and u'r done . The ideal pvp server .


    mmm yeah! that's a cool suggestion..


    I will talk to master to know what he think about.. btw it sounds good..



    What do you think about Quest for subclass and nobles?

  4. The problem is that wherever there is maximun enchant for armors higher then weapons i ever noticed an unbalanced pvp from who play from long time..

    In this way (with weap > armor) everybody may win PVP just using theyr skills and not all based on enchant of theyr armor.. (logically a set +15 will be more helpfull then a +6.. but it will be a little hard to get).. but probably i just got a mirage.. you think it is fair?



    With the enchant rate that we thought probably nobody will have +25 weapon soon..


    btw thanks for your thoughts... i hope someother will do your same.

  5. Hi guys.. i'm looking for somebody that know how modify this file on Gracia Part 2 (need it to change colors on text)


    I tryed just using l2Utils but it work for Gracia part1 not for part2.

    I tryed to change on client  systemmsg-e.dat, user.ini and l2.ini but problem still same... if i change one of those files client don't work..


    Somebody may help me?



    Thanks in Advance!

  6. Hi guys.. I'm trying help a friend that is gonna open a server and we would have some suggestion about some things..


    One thing that we are in trouble with is the MAX ENCHANT for armors jwls and weapons..


    We wish to have some suggestion from you all about that 'couse it is an important thing..


    Server will be a Mid-grade (40/45x).




    Right now we think to put this is what we gonna have (we will change after have take a look to your suggestion):

    max enchant

    Weapon + 25

    Armors + 15

    Jwls + 15


    Enchant rate

    weapon 70%

    armor/jwl 60% or 65%



    What do you think about our ideas? We should change something? (if yes.. why?)



    Thanks in advance

  7. If you play at some servers with costum Armors and the armor gives you CrazY HP ..you cant.. Try it in normal server ! IT WORKS :D


    if the custom armors give you "crazy" hp you can do this tactic more easy.



    On other server you have to be lucky that Bless The Body work and you must use a perfect sequence of armor/weapon..

    On server where there is hp tatoo it is just more easy...

  8. I think that answer to this question is not easy...


    i will use as example L2Elite...


    An *AllDayPlayer can obtain same thing that a donator got just by trade... and FOR SURE an *AllDayPlayer with same armor/weapon of a donator will PWN him really easy.

    In this server bugger have not a lot to do now (in the past they did a lot of ++ and other thing) so i think they cannot do that much now..


    But all example will be different server by server... and player to player.

    Personally i never donate for a server... but i have pwned a lot of time ppl with full set ++ donated + raid jwl (traded with other donated items).. and in the same way i got pwned a lot of time from donator that 1shot or 2shot me..


    BTW i think that *AllDayPlayer can obtain same thing that donator get... so AllDayPlayer will ever pwn a donator...

    About Bugger.. i think that all depend from WHAT they can do on server where they play... logically if a bugger obtain GM Speed x4 will be a little hard to pwn..



    p.s. btw i know also a "AllDayPlayer" really naab xDDD

    *maybe it's better if on my post you read "Skilled player" everywhere now there is "AllDayPlayer" xD



    p.p.s i know also a "AllDayPlayer Donator" really naab xDDDDDDDD

  9. On Frozen (45x now closed or with no ppl) when it was up with a lot of ppl i got hero 7 time with cardinal and last 2 month before ppl leave from there i had Cat with 700+ point per month.. so i feeded my friend and other my chars...


    Last 2 month i had:

    Fortune seeker

    Arcana Lord





    and other that sincerely now i don't remember..


    And.. little later that C4 was updated on L2 Elite i got 52 point with bishop (no feed.. just played and fortunately i had match against a noob necro, sps, and 2 overlord)... but i did only 4 match so i was out of rank and i didn't get my loved hero...


    Now i'm gonna try it on l2inc but first i need to get an active skill as augment.. btw here oly ROX 'couse all thing used cannot be enchanted...


    ..to explain better you can use enchanted items but your stat is like if all is +0

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