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Everything posted by Dreamerius

  1. When i add custom weapon :/ i spawn that item . It shows that i spawned that item but i can't see it :/ who can help me ?
  2. Yes , worked very good :) thanks , xD with 75 level destro killed 60 lvl raid solo :/ and got nice amount of exp ;)
  3. hmm tryed in Beyond / Bfdr = Not working , enemy killed raid and i tryed to pick up drop , it writes you're pet cannot pick blablabla
  4. :/ need 3 rd prof quest walker script ;) i think the hardest is the 3rd
  5. it's not bug :) it's just an atack speed , ( more atack speed = faster reuse that's all )
  6. nop i won't be fixed :) it's just a bug like in real l2 , because servers thinks , that u are still wearing that bracelet item , but just you unequip bracelet :) that's all
  7. Yes just kill you're box , gm can catch u and jail but if noone will see you , then you will be rich
  8. it's hard . it tooked for me like 20 - 30 minutes to do all ;) but good items By the way : Need 100 post
  9. it's easy to get gliterring medal . just do a dualbox . Take you're main char like to De starting place but upstairs , where nobody can see it . second - level other char like 76 level on Gremblins . Go with seccond character flag on you're main and kill the box with main character . Do that about 40 times ( it's long ) but giltering medal is very expensive server - l2pride.net ( pvp server c6 with many costums )
  10. in you're server there must be a tatoo that adds like 3-4 k hp 1. go to oly , buff you'reself without bless to body buff 2. unequip valakas ( because it adds hp ) 2. then equip homu + conversation ant then buff with bless to body hp 3. equip nightmare heavy set all , weapon + health sa , and tatoo , and neclance of valakas 4. then fast use zealot and frenzy and rage , but din't use skill with hp restoration 5. equip you're original items and WUOLA :) you're with frenzy 6. when you see that you're hp low , just use skill with hp restoration and its 100 % win oly That's all
  11. It's Just enchant color for you ... client side . Server side it doesn't work
  12. Worked on c6-l2j server ;) thanks it's useful there ... you can do it ssb/ssa/sss too
  13. it works in l2 off c6 ... i leveled up with phantom sumoner level 74 - other char - Overlord tikk 68+ level on low rates (7x) . Because OL is very slow and stupid char ;) hard to level
  14. Fixed on my server O_o it was working 2 days ago :/ HUH :(
  15. Worked on l2j-Interlude :) Thanks . :D mages doesn't hit me :) i have more range then they
  16. don't work :/// i tryed in 4-5 servers ( l2j / l2off - Interlude both )
  17. can some one write link for c4 phx? :/ i can't find it i have 3.18 version and it's for interlude ... post me L2phx - for c4
  18. It's old .... Because it's c4 moded to c5 ... i've tested it .... Not good server files ... But you can test bugs :} like in c5 .... If you find them in you're server then meybe you can try in other servers :)
  19. You can't . You must reinstall it (windows) that's all but better allways do C:/ D:/ hard drives ..... that's all
  20. Better way :) is encode and decode l2.ini for changing ip .... you can know cliend sided options like gm did it .... Use l2 encode and see or meybe change ip ... But if you change ip it doesn't mean that game will go .... because other servers have other token and you won't connect
  21. There are 2 different thing like - LAG - ITEM LAG .... Item lag is a server Problem like many players enchanting hitiing npc or smthing like that .... Lag is when internet connection is slow or the admin is downloading porno or smthing like that - Lag = Packets don't come fast enought item lag = Gameserver lag .... If admin computer is slow and many players hitting npc then you hit if you see that ss doesn't go in time that means gameserver lag .... then put enchant but you won't do it .... Because if it breaks it delag ... Then it will really broke .... Like 1.put enchante 2.Broke 3.drop weapon or trade and give to another player All they go allvays too in this numbers .... Thats an order for gameserver
  22. i need l2 phx for interlude ??? i cant find it anywhere .... because if i use older version of l2 phx i see c5 packets and etc .... Who can post link to l2 phx for interlude .... TXH ;D
  23. Dupe is in all online games that have item ids like muonline lineage2 and etc ... even you can add counter-strike frags and all will see it ... with armoney .... but it won't go to tops .... 1 more thing that online games like l2 is very easy to find bugs .... you just need good programs ... that's all
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