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Everything posted by saken88

  1. ive been scannign around a little on the forums, but I've kinda lost track of it now. I would like to get a link for a download of a Hlapex version that is current, like the latest one, it doesnt matter if the codes work on the serevr or not, I just need a version that can connect to the client, cause thats my problem right now, it wont even connect correctly, thank you in advance //
  2. would be nice indeed, also while your at it put up what that "L2PacketHack 2.0.1" does with info about it an stuff aswell, would be really appriciated from my side, cause it sound intresting on the name ;), // have a nice day
  3. oh yeah, and good work bro finding it out, forgot to post that :P, keep up the good work
  4. hmmm.. I shouldnt whine about "this is an old hack" cause when I think about it I havnt seen it posted before, but I saw this hack pretty fast and actually used it on Retail to get skills I wasnt suppose to have, sorry I didnt post it, anyways I think most server has this fixed now (oh yeah and for you people who wanna try it on retail, dont mind about it, cause they had a maintenance 20 min after I succeded with it and fixed it at that time xD)
  5. yes you can use it on the official I have been trying and it works, but it is about the same as for the private servers, if you are gonna try for the overbuff or multiclass its not working on Retail, Ive tried, and well... thats pretty obvious it wouldnt work but it was worth a try, as far as I know there aint that much holes in retail wich can make you a "super char" or rich as hell, but there are ways of bypassing stuff on official yes, so the final answer is, yes it do work
  6. As usual im trying the exploit on retail and of course im failing, this time im getting an Gameguard error and an easy solution to this would be to bypass the gameguard, and if anyone could help me with that it would be really appriciated. //Thanks
  7. As usual I have tested it on retail and I dont dare to say "It doesnt work" yet cause I tried some random other servers as well and ended up with the same kinda result. I get diffrent (and sometimes the same) error on startup. its the part where your guide says run the client. It seems it dont like that stuff going on in the background... if you know what Im doing wrong then tell me please cause it seems like someone got it working *looking on the post above* // ^^
  8. Dont work on Retail unfortunally... didnt think it would though but you gotta try, right :D. anyway if anyone kows anything that WORKS on retail I would really appriciate that information.
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