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  1. Good morning guys! I would like to ask you if there is a working L2Updater for Gracia Epilogue! Thank you
  2. Παιδια επειδη λειπω καιρο απο τον χωρο μπορει καποιος να μου πει ποιο ειναι το καλυτερο epilogue pack αυτην την στιγμη??
  3. Καλημέρα παιδια, επειδη είμαι χαμενος καιρο απο το L2 Dev, θα ηθελα να ακουσω απο καποιον ποιον ειναι το καλυτερο l2jpack gracia final . Ευχαριστω πολυ.
  4. Awesome share man!Very usefull for the good operation of a server!
  5. No..No man pls...There are dozens of f#$$ing posts which explain very clear how to add npc/custom items bla bla bla!I agree with you about ucoz domain names!
  6. Well,well...well...I agree with all of you!But stop telling that if you see a ucoz site server will close.Someone maybe wants a ucoz site because may he wants to see if his/her server has success and if has then may hire a web designer,buy a domain name or make something alone anyway.But the point is that the problem is not the free web hosting,which is true that many servers with free domain anmes and web-host close very quickly,BUT the preconfigured packs!If i will give tommorow to my little sister who has not any idea of l2 and general of pc and i will tell her click this,this and this...now she will be a Administrator.:O:O Admin..pff... Anyone can be admin in 5 mins .I suggest to delete every preconfigured pack and be forbiden by the Maxtor posts with this motive!The truth is that our community is widely expanded and very well-know,that harms the Lineage II World of Server!I don't blame none but it must stop here!If someone stay one day in hopzone,he will see at least 20 new servers to be added,may be more....As Zeronimo says if precompiled and preconfigured packs stop here,the Quality of forum will jump up...and this will help a lot the Gaming Experience too.
  7. Πολύ καλό share-guide μόνο που το σημειωματάριο δεν είναι το σωστό tool για τέτοιες δουλειές.Προτίμησε σε άλλο σου Guide Notepad++.Είναι πιο σώστο. Θα βοηθήσει newbies το ποστ σου όμως στα σίγουρα γιατί είσαι πολύ αναλυτικός!
  8. www.l2illuminate.ucoz.org
  9. Updated on 15/07/2009
  10. Well,i don't know ,i leave it on the judgement of the Moderators.It would be good to be Sticky.
  11. Hello Everyone, Today i will show the WoW Download for Macintosh(Mac)! Here is the download link:http://rapidshare.com/files/251364304/InstallWoW.zip Throught this Downloader you can download The Regular WoW and the Expansions! You need original serial key to Create Account for Official Server!
  12. www.l2illuminate.ucoz.org x10exp, x10 sp, x100 adena,x20 spoil,x20 drop items.Vitality system no working because still is Buggy!Soon a buffer npc will be established with some buffs not full if you want to learn something more specific pm me.Also a Gm shop with D-A grade items.(This changes is going to happen after players request)
  13. Hello Everyone! I am showing you my new L2 Server! New Rates!!!! Server Rates: Exp:x20 Sp:x20 Adena Drop:x100 Party Bonus:x1,5 Spoil:x25 Drop Items:x15 New Echant Rates!!! Enchant Rates: Safe:+4 Max:+25 Chances:70% Npc Class Changer -GM Shop until A grade includes scrolls and consubles -Global Gatekeeper -Npc Buffer -Always Spawned Blacksmith of Mammon/Merchanter -Seal Stones Exchanger Olympiad/Siege/Nobles working 100% Fortresses/Dungeons 100% working 81 level skills 99.99% working 83 level skills 90% working More information on site. Join us now! www.l2illuminate.ucoz.org Soon Coming new domain name. UPDATED on 15/07/2009/b]
  14. Kalhmera paidia. Opoios einai xrhsths Linux h Mac tha ithela na to dilwsei se ayto to topic. Thelw na mazepsw mia omada,gia na ftiaksw ena forum,kai g na mhn pareksigithw dn tha ftiaksw forum tou typou Maxcheaters. Apaitounte gnwseis sxetika me coding genika (html,sql,java kai loipa...oti eidous coding me apla logia)katxei kapoios m kanei ;) opoios thelei perissoteres plhrofories add me :support-l2@hotmail.com (min pareksigite to msn :P kamia sxesh). To kurio thema tou forum tha einai ta duo leitourgika Linux kai MAC. P.S an den exete msn peite m ti exete g na epikoinwnisoume. Cya
  15. Hello folks! I would like to suggest me a server with following statics. adena,sp,xp x100-x500 max enchant not more than +25 enchant rate 55%-77% safe 3-4-5 with a gm shop but without NPC BUFFER! preffered npc class changer.
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