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Everything posted by sweetparanoid

  1. GameServer # This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection for your server. # Usually you have to change the ExternalHostname option to # - (if you want to play alone / testing purpose) # - LAN IP* (if you want to play from another computer in the network) # - WAN IP** (if you want to play with friends over internet) # - Questions? => http://l2jfree.com # # * = If you want to get your LAN IP, simply choose "Start" => "Run..." then type "cmd" => "ipconfig" # **= If you want to get you WAN IP, visit http://www.whatismyip.com # =================================================================================================== # ================================================================ # General server setting !!! REQUIRED to configure to everyone !!! # ================================================================ # Bind ip of the gameserver, use to bind on all available IPs GameserverHostname= GameserverPort=7777 # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname ExternalHostname=modor.no-ip.biz # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname InternalHostname= # Define internal networks (, is default internal networks) InternalNetworks= # Define optional networks and router IPs # IP ( or fully qualified domain name # (google.com) that resolves to an IP (use ping to determine if a domain resolves). # Format: ip,net/mask;ip,net/mask,net/mask # (mask or would be 192.168.*.*) # Note: keep InternalNetworks and OptionalNetworks blank for compatibility with older login server OptionalNetworks= # The Loginserver host and port LoginPort=9014 LoginHost= # This is the server id that the gameserver will request (i.e. 1 is Bartz) RequestServerID = 1 # If set to true, the login will give an other id to the server if the requested id is allready reserved AcceptAlternateID = True # Database info Driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #Driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver #Driver=com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb #URL=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb #URL=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jdb/user=sa/password= Login=root Password= MaximumDbConnections=50 # Datapack root directory, defaults to current directory from which the server is started #DatapackRoot=H:/workEclipse/L2J Free/trunk/L2_DataPack_IL # Define character name template # These ones are regular expressions, visit http://www.regular-expressions.info for details # Note: Checking lengths are done server side, but keep it in pattern for future purposes # Character name ( Default [A-Za-z0-9\-]{3,16} ) CnameTemplate=[A-Za-z0-9\-]{3,16} # Pet name ( Default [A-Za-z0-9\-]{3,16} ) PetNameTemplate=[A-Za-z0-9\-]{3,16} # Clan and ally name ( [A-Za-z0-9 \-]{3,16} ) ClanAllyNameTemplate=[A-Za-z0-9 \-]{3,16} # Title ( [A-Za-z0-9 \-\\[\\]\<\>\(\)\!\|]{3,16} ) TitleTemplate=[A-Za-z0-9 \-\\[\\]\<\>\(\)\!\|]{3,16} # Maximum number of chars per account - 0 = illimited - default = 7 CharMaxNumber = 7 # Define how many players are allowed to play simultaneously on your server. MaximumOnlineUsers=100 # Minimum and maximum protocol revision that server allow to connect. # You must keep MinProtocolRevision <= MaxProtocolRevision. MinProtocolRevision = 1 MaxProtocolRevision = 999 #--------------------------------------------- # Safe Reboot configuration #--------------------------------------------- # This will prevent some exploit during restart/shutdown process SafeReboot = True # To use following options, SafeReboot must be set to True # Time in seconds before server complete shutdown/reboot, when # following striction take effect SafeRebootTime = 10 # Disable item enchant SafeRebootDisableEnchant=True # Disable players teleportations SafeRebootDisableTeleport=False # Disable craft and crystallize SafeRebootDisableCreateItem=False # Disable trades and shops SafeRebootDisableTransaction=False # Disable actions between players SafeRebootDisablePcIteraction=False # Disable actions on NPC SafeRebootDisableNpcIteraction=False # Network traffic optimization: minimum time between sending char's hp/mp status update packet. NetworkTrafficOptimization = False NetworkTrafficOptimizationMs = 1100 # Flood Protection # if enabled players which send more then PACKETLIMIT packets in PACKETTIMELIMIT ms will get kicked # warning not tested made a quickhack for squeezed :) FloodProtection = False PacketLimit = 500 PacketTimeLimit = 1100 # ================================================================ # JMX Administration # ================================================================ # Port to connect with l2jmx, -1 to disable jmx completely admin_portJMX=-1 # Port to connect to jmx via HTTP, -1 to disable # disable it if it is not local test # http adaptor is usefull to see if your server is running with l2jbeans, or to see others beans (JRE, logging) # It is also possible to use it if you forbid this port for external host, but you have to be sure nobody can reach this url ! admin_portHTTP=-1 # password for keystore_file, the keystore file should be in config folder. # Comment it or remove the keystore file if you doesn't want to activate secure socket. #keystore_password=password # keystore file # this file is used to store a SSL certificate for your jmx server. # You have to create it with keytool like this : # $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -keyalg "RSA" -keystore myKeystore.jks -storepass myPassword -dname "cn=myhost" # Change myKeystore, myPassword and myhost for your own needs # You have to give this file to all people that will use l2jmx #keystore=keystore.jks Login Server # ================================================================ # General login server setting !!! REQUIRED to configure to everyone !!! # ================================================================ # Bind ip of the loginserver, use to bind on all available IPs LoginServerHostname= LoginServerPort=2106 GMMinLevel=100 # The port, ip on which login will listen for GameServers LoginHostname= LoginPort=9014 # If set to true any GameServer can register on your login's free slots AcceptNewGameServer = False # If false, the licence (after the login) will not be shown ShowLicence = True # Database info Driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #Driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver #Driver=com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb #URL=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb #URL=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jdb/user=sa/password= Login=root Password= # Useable values: "True" - "False", use this option to choose whether accounts will be created # automatically or not. AutoCreateAccounts=True # The delay in minutes after which the login updates the gameservers IP's (usefull when their ip is dynamic) # (0 = disable) IpUpdateTime=0 # ============================================================== # Test server setting, shoudnt be touched in online game server # ============================================================== Debug = False Assert = False Developer = False # Enforce GG Authorization from client # Login server will kick client if client bypassed GameGuard authentication ForceGGAuth=False #FloodProtection. time in ms EnableFloodProtection=True FastConnectionLimit=15 NormalConnectionTime=700 FastConnectionTime=350 MaxConnectionPerIP=50 #Ban management # number of attempt before a user is banned when he fails his login LoginTryBeforeBan=10 # Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. Provide a value in seconds. Default 10min. (600) LoginBlockAfterBan=600 The last l2jfree pack 2746...
  2. It is diferent ..... i pres enter on account confirm on rules and then when i pres on server and i see light with ping 67 Nothing Happen...
  3. Hi.. I was with preconfig pack so now i wanted to creat my own pack... I created and i was with on external to work in my server alone... Now when i tried to make it online i put my no ip on external but...I cant login it stucked on light and other players from others pc can log in... What is this problm...I cant login on the same server machine ?? I searched Mxc and noone answered everywhere... Plz give me an answer cuz we are with an old pack of killer and it is full of bugs :P Thx..
  4. Hello, I have killers pack and i have made a lot of changes in it.. I opened my server...but all augment skills are "not done" and of course some more... I want ask you if anyone can send me a file which will contain all these skills fixed or give me a simple and fast example to work on it.. I think i can fix them 1 by 1 but i need of course much time and 1000 restarts... P.S. My server called l2-modor :P
  5. alloz maestro :P Btw PFPortChecker helped us to solve our problem.. Thx from your reply guys :D Here is the link of this program which allow you to check your ports :P This also is good program to put ports without enter inside your router.. https://portforward.com/store/pfconfig.cgi
  6. Yes -.- wtf it sux when you work for 5-6 hours and it doesnt work grrrrrrr..... I will post again when my friend will log to see if can fix it...
  7. i know what ports need to open...i opened first my server on my pc with easier router..Now in other pc this router sux... So.... We tested lineage21 but doesnt work -.-
  8. i say again i dont need open ports for emule so tell me what name to use for open ports for my server?
  9. i dont need open ports for eMule... lol read before post...
  10. i dont think will work...Btw my friend isnt on atm so i cant connect via teamviewer to do this..
  11. i dont think it has other service but in writes above Costum Service And you can write your service you want...But how we can express the lineage2 server ?
  12. You didnt understand my probl i think...i can see where we put ports but it has one facking think to select service... and we dont know what we should select...
  13. I used search but i saw that all have probl with this router....So i need your help to open ports for my server....We changed pc owner for better connection and now we have problem with ports...It ask something about select service... what we should select there.... If someone has this router plz answer here cuz we have serius probl... Thx..
  14. Thx Leeroy i was so ''idiot'' and i didnt see it :P Probl Solved //lock it..
  15. I found that the problem is on //gmspeed 4 :P how i can change gmspeed stats?? <skill id="7029" levels="4" name="Super Haste"> <set name="power" val="0.0"/> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/> <set name="skillType" val="CONT"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_TOGGLE"/> <set name="castRange" val="-1"/> <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/> <table name="#mpConsumeRate"> 1.0 1.0 5.0 0.1 </table> <table name="#runSpd"> 2 3 4 5 </table> <table name="#pAtk"> 1 1 1 50 </table> <table name="#mAtkSpd"> 2 3 5 5 </table> <table name="#pAtkSpd"> 1000 1100 1200 1301 </table> <table name="#mReuse"> 1 2 3 3 </table> <for> <effect name="Buff" time="9999998" count="1" val="0"> <mul order='0x50' stat='runSpd' val="#runSpd"/> <mul order='0x50' stat='pAtk' val="#pAtk"/> <mul order='0x50' stat='mAtkSpd' val="#mAtkSpd"/> <set order='0x50' stat='pAtkSpd' val="#pAtkSpd"/> <mul order='0x50' stat='MpConsumeRate' val="#mpConsumeRate"/> <div order='0x50' stat='mReuse' val="#mReuse"/> </effect> </for> </skill> It must be this... So if someone can help to augment the atack speed...
  16. prepei na valeis kato apo to weap p thes se auta ta arxia \gameserver\data\stats\weapon auto edo>> <set val='0.4' order='0x08' stat='atkReuse'/> ekei p leei val to rithmizeis analoga poso thes :D poli aplo :P
  17. Well i have killer_007 pack and on altsettings i put other limit on attack speed and casting speed..Example i put 1500 atack speed and 1800 casting... Casting speed change but attack speed is stucked on 1301 WTF?? If someone can help me cuz tyrant class in my server simple sux... P.S. i searched all maxcheaters.com ...
  18. Thx a lot for you answer but i just changed the duration of buffs in the old buffer but i dont have bersk :P np my server will be with no bersk :P If a Mod pass from here Lock it :P
  19. Well i try add one buffer to my server...and i see error in MySql >>Column count doesn't match value count at row 1<< I saw that many people have this probl.. this is the sql>> INSERT INTO custom_npc (`id`, `idTemplate`, `name`, `serverSideName`, `title`, `serverSideTitle`, `class`, `collision_radius`, `collision_height`, `level`, `sex`, `type`, `attackrange`, `hp`, `mp`, `hpreg`, `mpreg`, `str`, `con`, `dex`, `int`, `wit`, `men`, `exp`, `sp`, `patk`, `pdef`, `matk`, `mdef`, `atkspd`, `aggro`, `matkspd`, `rhand`, `lhand`, `armor`, `walkspd`, `runspd`, `faction_id`, `faction_range`, `isUndead`, `absorb_level`, `absorb_type`, `ss`, `bss`, `ss_rate`, `AI`) VALUES (40000, 32174, 'Buff Master', 1, 'Your Title', 1, 'LineageNPC2.K_F1_guard', 13.00, 22.50, 70, 'female', 'L2Npc', 40, 3862, 1493, 11.85, 2.78, 40, 43, 30, 21, 35, 10, 5879, 590, 1314, 470, 780, 382, 278, 0, 349, 0, 0, 0, 80, 120, '', 0, 0, 0, 'LAST_HIT', 0, 0, 0, 'fighter'); If you can fix it so i can use it it will be welcome :D
  20. i have same problem.....I cant make my friends join my server...
  21. Tha dokimaso argotera to script p estiles tora/Stn Server p to dokimazo akoma kia enchant kano me PHX ... So it must be works..
  22. niotheis ti leo??Exei kapio lathaki to script..Prospathisa na to diorthoso alla patao shift+klick se doors patao to pano koutaki alla dn kanei tpt....
  23. bgazei error re file se ena simio sto script kati dn exeis perasei sosta gia chackare plz...
  24. prepei na ine lathos to script...se emena dn douleuei...
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