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About brajt

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  1. wtf with this walker. I have windows 7. as some said before, I have to click "Run as administrator". I did. after, I click "Run". after few sec walker disappear and nothing happens. any solution?
  2. i would get it too :) and OGG version also if u have. some time ago (when Dnet had IL) I used L2Walker_10.7.4 and some other programs like c5toIL, l2asrv.. i dunno if they will work in Hellbound too. ps. is it normal that antivir detects trojan in l2w? :P
  3. o'rly? our problem is to set it ALL on l2w. When I (not bot) exp with my main char I am doing the same, but we need a script to automatize it all. We want to launch 2x L2W - one with necro as in my example before and second with BD.
  4. hey I also need something like that. F.e. I am going to set bot to exp with my Necromancer. Is it possible to set second bot with BD to give me dances every 4min and then leave party? you know... make script which invites the BD and dissmises him after giving dances. My necro is lower lvl than BD so when they are together in one party, necro is getting low exp. waiting for answer greetings
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