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About jokeuk

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  1. Cant make for l2jfree ? Thank you :-[
  2. Can someone give Rin4a's Buffer Edited with pet buffer for new link ? Cuz i got it This service is temporarily not available from your service area. Thank you
  3. Thank you so much am like it
  4. thank you for share but screens not works
  5. nice...i need it ^^ But i cant put in my system ( gracia plus :'( ) i use FileEdit for gracia final some1 can help? Thank you
  6. i live in asia zone last Update 9/30/09 http://www.lineage2.in.th/download/client.aspx from Thailand (cuz am Thai ppl live in HK)
  7. have to update??? but thank for share
  8. Can use will system GRACIA PLUS ?? i update to GRACIA PLUS ,So i cant put all ur item in FileEdit 2.3
  9. Hey.. i download is path and say thx is wrong!!! :-[ i got it.. Unhandled exception Technical error description: ________________________________________________ Value was either too large or too small for a UInt32. ________________________________________________ System.OverflowException: Value was either too large or too small for a UInt32. at System.Number.ParseUInt32(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt) at System.Convert.ToUInt32(String value) at PathEditor.MainForm.ImpBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
  10. oh.. i see am sorry i dont need to spam i need to download some file cuz no have time to login
  11. Cant see pic ... thx
  12. Thank you But i error on L2_FileEdit 2.3
  13. This can make to Gracia Final ?? i try is cant
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