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Everything posted by pkmicrochip

  1. what? i am coping? web site? you kiding me newbie?
  2. good lucke leluche .! i hope to finde the best team.! for your project
  3. plz dont make me to slut you, but i dont speak eny more with kids like you.
  4. that is from system newbie .! not from pack *yes i am more pro than you.! so plz stf now and go spam other topic. end of storry.!
  5. thanx bro.!
  6. boys listen me if my server is fail then way for 1 day my server have record of 41 players? if you dont like me or you dont like my server just dont spam here..! thanx and for my english yes maybe i dont know good english.. but i know good java coding so i dont kare if you dont like me or you all flame my server.! realy i dont kare
  7. in my server you can so? lolex boy what is your problem?
  8. man you ar noob ? or idiot? my server fail? lolex i dont know english haha? i go to kill my self what the problem with that photo? all the weapon can be augment you newbie kid ..! just you go learn english and learn to play l2. noobo kido gtp
  9. i dont anderstand you..!
  10. sniffer you tray to play now on my server?
  11. Read what site say.! *This site is in no way affiliated or associated with NCSoft
  12. bla bla bla bla lolen kid.! if you whant to spam? go spam on other topic boy. not in my topic
  13. 1st server is new.. now have 6 online will see for 4 days. how people will paly there..!
  14. only login play on game and then speak to me if is not balanced i close the server..! just go play
  15. ok w8..! take it.! download patch : http://www.mediafire.com/?rq3brbj76jkd6w3
  16. you cant gait in site or what?
  17. Report server have change now..! the New pack version now is online and running 100% now server is pvp with good balanced classes and more just join and have fun.!
  18. the server now do new update , now server is xp1500 with good fatures and uniques systems.! have fun
  19. i dont understand you..! what is the problem? with zzl.org?
  20. text fixed.! .....
  21. what text? and where?
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