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Everything posted by pkmicrochip

  1. first make lvl zone / icrease the buff slot/ thach all for now is pvp server
  2. so admin will be this server online or not man omg
  3. so server will be online now? or we w8 more?
  4. and l2amnesia don't have ddos protection litle kid go sleep now
  5. hahaha like i say all the times another pvp fail server.! with lot of bugs and they say have ddos protection? hahahaha bulshits
  6. so??? will server be online or what?
  7. first of all hapyviolence none server have ddos protection belive me if 1 person whant to ddos 1 server is verry easy to do it that just no body intresting to do it, and server is verry good. just need some fixes and all will be ok.! just need community and that server have meny uniques sytems verry good
  8. what time will be grand openign announce.!
  9. yo dude we can't download the pach omg
  10. mirsadse sorry but to be acept by hopzone is 20% chance and all we know withute hopzone all servers fail.. because need to pay lot of money to be advertishment on all lineage2 sites
  11. if you don't be acept by hopzone i can offer you hopzone advertishment ;) but you must change your ip if you take banned from hopzone..!! pm me if you whan't i can help you ;)
  12. so don't acept to see good server and balanced araund here.! ;)
  13. pff all server are l2jfrozen mate omg wake up.! all server i play all of them are that shit projeCT l2jfrozen full of bugs full unbalanced skills the only one good project is "ACIS" But when they finish the Server project just take that pack and make our modification and will be perfect pvp server.!
  14. just i whana to tell you abaut donation.. don't give more + or add pasives and actives augments because that will be fail server.! Gl with server.!
  15. is online now we can login ? or is only admin
  16. btw sorry for duble post.. i think x1500 or x2000 is more beter for pvp server will bring more people.! x500 is to low and is bored to farm for adena and for xp......
  17. i am online on server but i am only me there.! no people way?
  18. i am in game my friend JoniRedBulL my name.!! but the server come up from wipe? is verry hard to gain people again :(
  19. just close this server .!
  20. i have the real On and i can post it here if you all whant :D program hou work.!
  21. there no have eny config to edit that program
  22. on question now the new l2jfree based on HI5 or on Interlude? btw good luck with the project L2Jfree allways have good Interlude packs.!
  23. i need one good and sqiled developer on java.! i whana add on my live server antibuff shield code..! if eny one can help me just add me here Arxaggelosgtp@hotmail.com thanx alot
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