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Everything posted by iNos

  1. search for sony vegas its the best
  2. des edo ine kai sticky http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=33769.0 kane search prin aniksis neo topic btw lathos section tha eprepe na itan sto [Request] Dev Help [L2J]
  3. lol browsers use different cookies thats why you can login when you get ban just delete your cookies and it will be ok it only removes ban from your browser if you try to log the banned account your broswer will get ban again
  4. edo ine to eclipse Eclipse kai edo to jdk Java(JDK)
  5. it must pass 1 month that it was before then it will change every week
  6. there is a limit from the same ip you can get only 3 rapidpoints check this is at bottom of the rs page Only files stored in the Collector's Zone (here) can score points. Once they are downloaded by a user, each of them generates a RapidPoint. Subject to the condition is that the file is at least 5 Megabyte in size and the downloader has generated not more than 3 RapidPoints in the last hours.
  7. afto doulebi mono se LAN kai den ginete na doulepsi alou
  8. download it from here tested and its clean ftp://ftp.physics.auth.gr/pub/mirrors/lineage2/L2_C4_Installer.zip
  9. go at this site it have everything about dragonball,dragonball-z,dragonball-gt,dragonball-kai http://www.dragonballz-videos.com/
  10. search before you post check my topic http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=54764.msg407352#msg407352
  11. Dragonball and Dragonball-Z ftw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKir_imxqV8&feature=related
  12. try to use this DELETE FROM `items` WHERE item_id='Write your item id in the quotes' just write it in notepad save it as .sql and execute it in your database
  13. theli 24 ores mexri na ton baloun kai ama alaksis kanena info theli pali ales 24 ores
  14. if you want to hide something do it with login or for some posts dont use reply you make the other people to spam
  15. thanks for the karma i worked a lot to make that tool, im glad that you like it guys
  16. afto kani ban mono se aftous p stelnoun unknownpackets diladi agnosta paketa dld den kani ban aftous p xrisimopioun to phx kai stelnoun kanonika packets
  17. Here is a tool that i made Features: -You can choose gm name -You can choose GM action ScreenShots: Download link: http://rapidshare.com/files/252007214/GM_Log_Viewer.rar Credits goes to me
  18. kane epeksergasia to database_installer.bat eki pou grafi set lspass=root kanto set lspass= kai eki pou grafi set gspass=root kanto set gspass=
  19. dose ena screenshot apo to gameserver na doume to error kai na sou poume ti pezi
  20. to login trexi kanonika giati kolas se mia eikona afou den exis kapio error?
  21. opos blepis sto parathiro afto grafi oti exi name servnews.htm kane search mesa ston fakelo html tou pack sou kai tha to bris
  22. search before you post check here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=44214.0
  23. you must make a file with name geo_index.txt in geodata folder after write the name of every file you have in the geodata exept the extension it will look like this 22_22 22_23 23_24 for pathnode make a file with name pn_index.txt and do the same
  24. go to your database there is a table with name gameserver you will have 2 rows there find wich one is the offline server and delete it after restart your login server
  25. i was thinking that you wasnt able to execute it.... there is a button to change page check my screenshot you are on the first page thats why you cant see it
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