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Everything posted by BS®

  1. Falcon wasnt mine WTF? Go away L2Thunder(Fail)
  2. Stop Saying Stupid things serifoX LoL. Dont Double post again because you want to bump the topic pfff GO read the rules again how much money did you give to MaCe to develop your "Server" ?
  3. [GR]aLLa3e twra to pm sou gia ton pano aka magaki kai tous GSC min ginei tis poutanas [/GR] ReVeNgeR http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=83968.15
  4. www.l2falcon.com already exists.Register www.l2-falcon.com
  5. Its A subdomain not a domain :D. Anyway GL with your server lolsire.
  6. Thx Sami ;) Anyway i gived up from l2falcon ;) (L2Predactors is Coming Sami ! Dont forget it!Its Our Server :D) GooD Luck SerifoX
  7. at 2:00-3:00 am Gmt+2 downtime for 30 minutes or more. All classes will be balanced and all npcs will be fixed
  8. Server is online!No lags now!No more lags mates
  9. Server is changing pack go read it in our forum. No lags anymore.Pack was awful before.
  10. balance will be fixed ill give ya my msn to tell me what to fix( an.tonis.-kos@hotmail.com) about community dunno need someone to help
  11. www.l2falcon.net I think that youre playing here.Anyway xD
  12. Had 5 minutes downtime.Tommorow pack will change. Tommorow we will have 1 hour downtime and we will change pack and fix the lag
  13. haahah anyway i know what you mean.Forgot to give credits for skills to kingstyle xD. Thx KingStyle.
  14. HaHaHa it doesnt need sth special.Just A report pff
  15. Please tell me the name of skills and ill add them :).
  16. Well www.l2falcon.net ;).But not big community ;/
  17. Enchant Changed. Safe:3 Max:16 Rate:70%(normal) 85% Blessed(We have a farm area.Its easy to farm it)x25 Closed. 81lvl skills added at gmshop(Forgotten Scrolls).
  18. Thanks for your good comments.Our Server is really good(I personally think) but kadar dont accept us on hopzone.So bring your friends here for more pvp! :D Edit:@Off-Topic - 200 posts ! ;D Senior cheater
  19. Ah we had a problem with diskw :S.Now you can make an account.x5000 opened.JOIN!
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