I also have error...
Im with gracia part 2
[Err] 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DELETE FROM `teleport` WHERE `id` >= '50001' AND `id` <= '50174'' at line 7
[Err] INSERT IGNORE `custom_npc` (`id`,`idTemplate`,`name`,`serverSideName`,`title`,`serverSideTitle`,`class`,`collision_radius`,`collision_height`,`level`,`sex`,`type`,`attackrange`,`hp`,`mp`,`hpreg`,`mpreg`,`str`,`con`,`dex`,`int`,`wit`,`men`,`exp`,`sp`,`patk`,`pdef`,`matk`,`mdef`,`atkspd`,`aggro`,`matkspd`,`rhand`,`lhand`,`armor`,`walkspd`,`runspd`,`faction_id`,`faction_range`,`isUndead`,`absorb_level`,`absorb_type`) VALUES
(50023, 31275, 'Faith', 1, 'Global Gatekeeper', 1, 'NPC.a_teleporter_FHuman', 8.00, 25.00, 70, 'female', 'L2Teleporter', 40, 3862, 1494, NULL, NULL, 40, 43, 30, 21, 20, 10, 5879, 590, 1444, 514, 760, 381, 253, 0, 253, 0, 0, 0, 80, 120, NULL, NULL, 0, 0,'LAST_HIT'),
DELETE FROM `teleport` WHERE `id` >= '50001' AND `id` <= '50174';
[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully
tell me how to fix it please?