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Everything posted by Mactabilis

  1. Oh, and the topic is actually wrong. Massive War will be Gracia final, not Gracia 2.2!
  2. I'd definately say try this one out when it comes up on the 18th may!
  3. Yep sounds nice, but still closed :( Ah well, I sure will test the open beta period tho!
  4. Not really. I am playing on 2 BakeIce servers right now, my AV doesnt say anything. I know how to let your file pass my AV settings, but I sure wont let it happen ;) Your file is detected by 47 out of 51 Engines as a virus (with differeent names). But it is packed really amateurish and therefore easy to reverseengineer. So please, dont insult me, if oyu are the one that acts like a child. Distributing an old, commonly known and detected trojan horse with a Lineage2 Patcher ... lols... Besides, I did test your file in a VM and it did unpack a second exe and tried to hide it on the c drive ;)
  5. Definately a trojan horse attached to it! I reverse engineered the tinkered exe. -> Packed.Win32.Black.d <- -karma for you, I hope you get banned. Admins informed!
  6. hm, sounds strange, my AV never gave me a false positive on a BakeIce L2.exe o.0 Ah well, I just pass on this one...
  7. hey there, Has anyone got a link to good scripts for L2.NET ? The official forums is pretty empty, and somehow the botting with the standard config is pretty lame. Like the bot isnt picking every item up, half the adena is left on the ground, sometimes he jsut suddenly stops atttacking for no reason, etc etc I want to bot my HE with a PP in party, anyone got any decent script for that setup ?
  8. As teh title says, does anyone have any specific exploits or bugs for l2inc.eu that work ?
  9. Now I don't know why, but I don't get my Char's Name to show up in the list, I tried at least 4-5 different servers, from Interlude to Hellbound to Gracia PT2 ... Am I doing something wrong ? Or is it simply not wroking on Windows 7 ? I do start L2phx as administrator and it finds the l2.exe :/
  10. strange, I did everything as described but my client just closes upon starting it :/ no error message, nothing
  11. I suppose this thread is not longer working for eL2Walker 10.9.3 on a C4 modded to Gracia Server where you have to use Gracia Client ?
  12. Don't Spam BillyBob, I am trying to get Information on the Soulhound class as I am unable to find any decent Infos ont he Web. Is noone actually playing a Soulhound, or does noone bother with any Kamael Class ? Are they so gimped ? The only Information I find on Soulhound is amonths old thread on l2guru form Batman which isn't quite that informative regarding equipment or what skills are usefull and which are not.
  13. Hey there, So I started a Soulbreaker on a CT2.2 L2J Server, now I have no expierience with Kamael Classes so far but wanted to give this one a shot. What would be the best possible gear/dyes for him ? I was thinking of getting Dynasty Leather Dagger Master with an Icarus Stinger Health SA, is that a good Idea or rather not ? How should I buff, Mage, Fighter, a bit of both, ... ? Are there any special Tactics on how to fight in PvP with a Soulbreaker ? What is a no-go ? Is he actually any usefull in Fullbuffed PVP, or jsut for oly because he can steal buffs ?
  14. DEFINE STRING ITEMNAME "Icarus Hand" //Item name, don't write the SA SA DEFINE STRING ITGRADE S //Item grade (s80=s) DEFINE STRING ENCHNAME "Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S)" //Enchant name DEFINE STRING ENCHANT 12 //Max enchant DEFINE INT CURENCHANT 5 //Current enchant, change line 38 too DEFINE INT DELAY 1100 //Delay of all actions in MS try like that P.S.: You know this is not a 100% safe enchant, it just puts scrolls on ur wep and skips to the next upon aFailure, right ?!
  15. There seems to be some enchant Bug/Exploit tho. I'm playing on a Ct2.2 Server without Bake Ice prot, running L2J and there's recently a lot of ppl showing up with high enchanted weps
  16. Maybe you could build in a Proxy Support, maybe even a Proxy Cycling option to prevent ur IP from getting banned.
  17. Ooooh right, I missed that :) Awww too bad, I waanted a flashy colour too xD
  18. Hey, I am pretty new to the forum, but I wonder why my Name aint green, the name of Most Lifetime Platinum Members is green ?
  19. L2 at the moment, but I can't wait till I can play Aion ... I want to play it so bad and it takes NCSoft ages to release it to non-koreans -.-
  20. Hm, now that is interesting, on which server did u try it ? And did u use the GG Killer System folder of Fyyre ?
  21. I meant like u cannot even use L2phx on the CT2.2 client afaik, correct me if I am wrong.
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