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Everything posted by Zorr0

  1. Well its true i need make test to know how much OP ar that classes... if u want ppl play whit suport classes like BD/Sws maybe can give them some plus like a little more patack or something ... ofc dont making them OP too , its a hard work :P and about Elemental Stones , even whit lv 3 u can make like 1k more damage whit a archer .
  2. Good , now what do u do "reduce" the power of /tank classes? * another "tip" elemental stones and certifications unbalance a lot of servers i hope that not happen here . tanks.
  3. You always can nerf a little some clases :) and im 100% sure if im play here and my pc suport it i will make my own bd sws warlock WC :P until u catch me
  4. i rly like the server but , im sure if u made a poll all ppl will agree about to have all buffs ( no kamael ofc) in the npc and 1h at last , your intentions to make ppl play whit BD SWS etc ar good but its inevitable that fact that all players will made dual trial and 4trial boxing to get buffs.... And about euro drop... its better have some custom zone where mobs drop at last 1 euro whit 50% chance or something like that for ppl who dont play 10 h at day can farm in any time and dont need w8 for respawn the RB... that all GL :)
  5. Pasive Might for Fighters. Pasive Empower for mages.
  6. Great colors , rly nice weapons dude GG.
  7. Well i can try it... but maybe was fixed already. Tanks anyway. :)
  8. Another cuestion , if u choose for example to be gladiator/ Prophet for example and u want to choose play whit the stats of gladiator y must start playing like a PP and then take the sub of Gladi right or its indiferent? ( and dont forget about passive skills stack or not ) Tanks.
  9. The passives stack too? If u decide change the sub-stack for a new 1 u can simple kill the rb and take a new 1 or need make another char? Have custom zones to farm that custom "euros" ? BTW: the donation list for now its nice coz its not for ++++ items , maybe can add some "exclusive pets" for donators or things like that.
  10. Rly nice for who its looking for Quests on Pvp servers!
  11. NIce server and now Gms working good on it . GF
  12. O_O u ar notice , this server its///closed/// :/
  13. Lol , identity crisis of server...
  14. : [CT2.4 L2j] L2SpoT
  15. Like i saw , the web its ready and looks rly nice ;)
  16. I play there and its full of corruption... , 1 GM edit some RB to drop like 5 Rb jewells and 5k gb , another gm find this and tell him give back the stuff , the the nerd Gm said no ... so the good gm ban the nerd gm.... ok but. Then comes the most corrupted Admin ever called Rayden and unban the Nerd GM and not only that . the Corrupted admin said " was my mistake so u ( the char of Nerd Gm who kill alone the RB) can keep all the stuff coz was my mistake" GG whit your server.
  17. Nice nice , coz im stop play w8ing beta ends because , i dont wanna spend more time in farm if i will be deleted :) mmm im already here so some things to fix maybe : All skills lv 81 83 auto learn , no forgoten scrols ( coz some of them ar missing) Champion adena mobs ar bugged just drop 50k of adena info npc , dont work maybe rise the sub to 85. No sub certifications and atribute stones for more balance. and plus , and this its a opinion , the color of weapons when they ar enchated , well normal colors ar better :P *No custom tatoos whit stats , only whit Pdef.
  18. well i can report every i can find to repair , but need u skylancer. already post somethjing on forum and have a little more when u log :)
  19. Talk whit koreans of NCsoft if u dont like the Rb jewells , That part its fine and price its good ( expensive) keep on it ;)
  20. nice server need some little fixes but Sky do it fast so GG.
  21. We don't thing to wipe the server ! if this its true i will try it now!
  22. when i look for new server i check first , who new its is and then the donation system. if that its good i sure try the server but after this Vesper Set+30 = 15 Euro Vesper Weapond+30 =10 Euro Raid Boss Jwls set+30 = 15 Euro Full +30 +Hero Forever = 50 Euro Clan lvl 10 +full skill= 20 Euro i cant play there when max for no donations its +25 :/ anyway i dont like ppl who only make a decision about a server only coz ppl said " all bug fixed" and coz his web its not rly impressive.... First must play then make your opinions dude...
  23. need gk in talng isalnd and buffer plus , unstuck its 30 secs... and rates setted its 100x
  24. Why the web its down? i need download the system..
  25. not all ppl have money to host a web page , i will try it but anyway i think he must reconsidered the custom stuff... Edit: upload the system to another host coz mediafire its not working today cu.
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