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Everything posted by Commodus

  1. To php script config sou prepei na exei ta sosta info's tou mysql sou , ip's kai ta loipa.
  2. pop , kane compile to pack ths l2j free.Einai to kalitero pack gia IL. http://svn.l2jfree.com/svn/l2j-free/trunk/
  3. Den exeis kan pack kai thes na mathis pos ginetai auto pou zitas?
  4. Matim , he doesn't want to give a reward to the players that vote. He needs that : Someone must vote first for the server in order to enter the website.
  5. Diabase ta rules prota kai meta kane ena new topic. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=122985.0 Ti chronicle kai ti pack xrhsimopoieis?
  6. Popo -.-' AUTO TI EINAI? http://svn.l2jfree.com/svn/l2j-free/archive/IL/L2_DataPack_IL/ Min rotate xaza pragmata >.<
  7. Re pedaki mou se blepw kai kaneis post sinexeia ta idia kai ta idia pragmata. Kaneis post legontas tin gnomi sou kai alla diafora. Mporeis na mou peis pia h diafora tou post pou ekanes me to diko mou? SVN gia IL den tou edosa? Ti ksanakaneis reply?
  8. Den matheneis apo tin proti fora pote :] Katse kai asxolisou kai tha ta katafereis. Locked.
  9. http://svn.l2jfree.com/svn/l2j-free/archive/IL/
  10. Ama sto doso etimo compiled den tha mporeis na ftiaxeis oute ta bugs oute na kaneis tipota edit apo java side.
  11. Prepei esy na to kaneis compile to pack allios theoritai preconfigured.
  12. This firewall will solve his problem but he can't see it since he has only 1 post >.<
  13. Done. http://www.4shared.com/file/215852331/b457bf35/www_1.html
  14. Done. http://rapidshare.com/files/347692793/www_1.7z.html
  15. pffffffffff kega , anikse to init.py tis buffer sou kai kane delete autes tis grammes : st.getPlayer().restoreHPMP() , st.getPlayer().restoreCP() Prosoxi : Autes tis grammes mono tha kaneis delete , tipota allo.
  16. Well you can ask in Client Mod Section , if you want something to ask about system edits.
  17. LeLeZin , go to : gameserver/data/stats/armor Find the jewels that you want to increase their bonus and add this line : ( to all of them ) <mul val='1.20' order='0x10' stat='mDef'/> It will increase 20 % of the stat that you chose. (stat= )
  18. 1)Download geodata. 2)Then add it to : gameserver/data/geodata 3)Go to : gameserver/config/options , scroll down and find this : # You need to download files for data/geodata folder. GeoData = False <- Make it true and you're done.
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