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Everything posted by Commodus

  1. Psakse sto Client Mod Section . Tha breis xiliades. PS : Min kaneis double post.
  2. Then explain fully what you need. Refering also in what pack you're using. And yes , you are using preconfigured shit like i said. So find someone with python knowledge , like i said you above.
  3. Most of the users in maxcheaters using a preconfigured shit.Pointless to waste time to code it. He will ask now : Where do i put it ? ( ... ) So narbuta , next time when you create a new topic , post and what pack you are using . Preconfigured or compiled.
  4. Tote exeis kati lathos h sta configs sou i sto l2.ini tou system sou.
  5. :P - http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=121202.0 Solved.
  6. Then you have to edit it alone. L2J stopped gracia final project and start working on epilogue. Start editing core , to fix that skill.
  7. Min agxonesai , mathe na kaneis compile kai tha eisai mia xara.
  8. Den iparxei kanena tetoio pack. An den kaneis compile kai den doulepseis panw se auto , den ginetai douleia.
  9. AltOlyStartTime = Ora pou na arxizei i olympiad. AltOlyMin = Pote akrivos na arxizei i olympiad . Auta einai ta minutes . Diladi mporeis na baleis na arxizei 6:30 h 6:40 kai ta loipa. AltOlyCPeriod = Poso na krataei h olympiad { ores } AltOlyBattle = Poso na krataei to match. AltOlyBWait = Posa lepta na perimenoun osotou ginoun teleport pisw stin poli. AltOlyIWait = Lepta pou prepei na perimenoun apo tin ora pou kanan register gia na peksoun. AltOlyWPeriod = Poso na krataei enas kiklos tis olympiadas gia na bgoun oi heroes. AltOlyVPeriod = Poses ores na perasoun , gia to ranking ton pexton pou epeksan.
  10. Here you are : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=50288.0
  11. Then you need python knowledge.Here is L2J Section , so you must find someone who knows things about python and can help you.
  12. Can't be done. All gatekeeepers have as a reward adena , that's why you can't put a custom item. In your database , there is a table '' teleport '' . There you will find a column for the requested adena to be someone teleported . There isn't any column , changing adena to custom item.
  13. Egw sou to eipa , den me akouses. Request to lock. PS : Gia otidipote xriasteis , edw eimaste.
  14. Pata alt + f kai kane search gia tin leksi Olympiad Tha breis ta olympiad properties opou an kaneis scroll down tha breis ta olyparticipants.
  15. Ola ta packs doulevoun apo mona tous sta diafora skills . Ta failed projects kanoun c/p oti broun. Den tha doulepsei , perneis arxeia apo alla packs kai ta bazeis sto diko sou ?? Never. Prepei na arxiseis apo twra douleia . Min xaneis ton xrono sou.
  16. Pos ginetai na doulepsei ? Einai san na les oti xrhsimopoieis alla arxeia apo diaforetika packs kai ta bazeis sto diko sou. Den ginetai auto . Sou eipa pia einai h lysh.
  17. Sou eipa pos to problima einai se kapoio apo ta duo. Gia otidipote allo xriasteis , edw eimaste :) Request to lock.
  18. Epeidh i L2J stamatise to IL project poli kairo twra , tha prepei na ftiaxeis ta skills monos sou. Kai apo ti blepw , exeis problima sta xml files . Merika apo auta loipon gia auto prepei na ta ftiaxeis monos kai na baleis kai ta skills pou leipoun. Meso tou core , epidi exeis kai core support efoson xrhsimopoieis compiled pack , mproreis na ta kaneis kai add/edit.
  19. Tora eida to edit pou ekanes. Loipon , antimetopizeis polla problimata kai kalo tha einai na telioneis me auta ta preconfigured packs. Einai kairos na mathis na kaneis compile , allios tha antimetopizeis sinexeia diaforon eidon problimata. Yparxei ena sticky guide sto Develop GR gia to pos na kaneis compile , akolouthise ta bimata ena pros ena kai tha ta katafereis.
  20. Request Dev Help Gr - http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=121542.0
  21. Den ginetai na ftiaxtei auto to problima . Xrhsimopoieis preconfigured pack = no support. Kalo tha itan na mathis na kaneis compile , kai na stamatiseis auta ta preconfigured shits. PS : Wrong section , tin epomeni fora gia otidipote xriasteis kane topic sto Request Dev Help Gr.
  22. Den se doulevo katholou . Stamata to spam. MaxCheaters.com > Lineage II Development English-Greek Section > [General] Lineage II Develop [L2J] Greek > [Request] Dev Help [L2J] Gr > [Help] 8elw help gia pws na vazw npcs k custom items Help zitaei to pedi.
  23. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=57370.0
  24. Request to lock. If you have any further questions/problems , just pm me or create a topic.
  25. Eimai sigouros pos exeis kanei lathos sta configs sou h sto serveraddr tou l2.ini sou. Tha se parakalousa na ksanakliseis tis consoles , na kaneis paste ta 2 arxeia ton configs sou kai to l2.ini sou episis.
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