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About shooby

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  1. Website : http://l2dw.eu Rates XP: 100x SP: 100x Adena drop: 50x Item drop: 40x Spoil: 50x RaidBoss drop: 30x Quest drop: 15x Party XP rate: 1,5x (100 * 1,5 = 150x) Party SP rate: 1,5x (100 * 1,5 = 150x) Enchant rates: Simple enchant rate: 60% Blessed enchant rate: 65% Safe enchant: +4 Max weapon enchant: +16 Max armor/jewel enchant: +16 Extra info: Class manager. You can change your proffesion without doing any quests. Multi-shop. Shop up to B grade. Auto skill learn. You get your classes skills when you reach a certain level. Auto event. Everyday, there are certain auto-events. Olympiad. Fully working Olympiad system. Hero's change every sunday 23:59 Bug-free. Server bugs are constantly being fixed. Voice-Commands. .menu , .tvtjoin , .dmjoin , .tvtleave , .dmleave , .buff Lag-free. You will experience no lags in our server. Augument skills. Mid life stone - 15% chance. High life stone - 20% chance. Top life stone - 25% chance. Buff time. Buff time expanded to 120 minutes (2 hours). Buff slot. Buff slot expanded to 28 buffs. Main town. Main town is Giran. Subclass. For subclass, you don't need to do any Quests. A Grade recipes for Coins of Luck which can be obtained from Ketra and Varka monsters! (5% drop rate) The Zero Hour reward x2. More information on website : http://l2dw.eu
  2. it's a mage sv... i hit with archer 1,5 critical on mage...and btw zealot is not working
  3. http://eng.novafun.ru/ u farm easy,enchant rate is ok and u make pvp in giran :D
  4. Hi all..i'm looking for an stack sub class server...Interlude/hb/gracia.Rates 15-30x not so old max 2 months and with some players between 200-300.l2j or l2off
  5. Hi all. Brand new interlude server. Server Rates: •XP: 35x •SP: 45x •Adena: 100x L2 Off Interlude; • Bugless geodata; • Hosted in Germany; • 100% working Interlude skills; • Subclass; • Noblesse; • Olympiad fully working; • Balanced Classes; • Hero System and hero skills; Try it out !!! http://www.lineage2infamous.com/
  6. Hi i'm loking for mid rate server l2j or l2off not so old to have more than 50 players important is to be whit no lag :) rates 30x max 75x if u know one then plx tell my ty in advance :D
  7. sry...i posted at the good section now
  8. Hi, first of all I'm looking for a new interlude server. I want something like 50x - 100x, No custom (atleast not too many) and brend new. If you can help me please post here. Ty
  9. Hi, first of all I'm looking for a new interlude server. I want something like 50x - 100x, No custom (atleast not too many) and brend new. If you can help me please post here. Ty
  10. I like the helmet's :))
  11. I like nr 1 ;D and nr 5 is same like scarlet van halisha ;D
  12. Very very nice
  13. nice i like the dwarf
  14. Cool i love blue :D
  15. i really have to try this one :)
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