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Everything posted by gspowner

  2. Dont Work for me Final Items i press S84 armor and not open say me ID @@ not find d grade armor and all Work Pefrect but Final not..
  3. {GR] o server doulebi 5 xronia kai tora pia eine me autous tous GM eien skata! {EN} This Server Running 5 Years And Now Server Are Sucks But GMs Are Noobs.
  4. Can you Give me New Update Files 358 only to add my Pack?? plz ty.
  5. Updated Website Are 100% Gracia Final :) Have FuN.
  6. ..::Line][Age GSP PvP Server::.. - Experience: 100x - Skill Points: 100x - Adena Drop: 500x - Item Drop: 1x - Spoil: 1x - Safe Enchant: +7 - Max Enchant: +25 - Enchant Rate: 70% - Blessed Enchant Rate: 75% - Auto-Learn Skills. - Balanced Classes. - Wedding System 100% Working. - Clan Hall System 100% Working. - No Clan Penalty. - Castle Siege System 100% Working. - No Weight Penalty. - Sub-Class System. - Noblesse System. - Hero System. - Duel System. - Augmentation System. - Noblesse Skills 100% Working. - Hero Skills 100% Working. - Augmentation Skills 100% Working. - Retail-Like Enchant Skills System. - Every Buff / Dance / Song / Chant Lasts 3 Hours. - C4 / C5 / Interlude Kamael / Hellbound /Gracia part 2/Gracia Fina Skills 100% Working. - Kamael Skills 100% Working. - C4 / C5 / Interlude Kamael / Hellbound /Gracia part 2/Gracia Final Monsters 100% Working. - C4 / C5 / Interlude Kamael / Hellbound /Gracia part 2/Gracia Fina Locations 100% Working. - Cursed Weapons Zariche and Akamanah 100% Working. - Raid Bosses Respawned Daily. - GM Shop selling everything you need. - NPC Buffer, with Full Buffs, Dances, Songs - You Can Add 3 Sub-classes. - Farm Area Added. - And Much More Join! www.gspl2.tk Join Now!! Have Fun! See You In Game Thnx you For Playing L][-GSP!
  7. [GR] etc dostou na gini xamos na oume terzis stin giran na ta spasoume olla trelegoooooooooooooooooo
  8. Exo to Rooter speedtouch ST530v6 Kai DEn Ksero Pos Na ANikso Ports Plzzzz HelPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
  9. Dont Stop Open Again Topic*
  10. hello Alls Mordaneus are First Upload Here In MXC hellbound 100% English Server! And Now You Locked Thread Mordaneus??? -beep- Off All Noobs Here************* MXC Now are 1 noob Site for only All persons w8 1 person post Server to download and dont say thnx only to say Server Have this error or another error. OMG Noobs!!! Mordaneus are in PC HRs to Fix this -beep-ing pack to give you and you Dont say 1 thnx????? omg Noobsssssssssssssss Mordaneus Server-Pack Here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=17722.0 Look Posts*** Team Mordaneus*** By ZOUMHS***
  11. Hello All's I Have L2j Umbrella hellbound Server Pack I Need 1 NPC to Click players and Get Hero-Status Thnx you..........................
  12. @l2legancy tha moy to kanis share???? plzzzzzzzzzz
  13. thnx re c tha perimeno xlilia thnx nase kala*
  14. oxi patao na anebo kai den anebeni molis patiso na anebo auto eksafanizete se alous server doulebi opos to kano ston diko mou no
  15. Ct.1.5 L2j Umbrella Tou Mordaneus pack
  16. Gia pedia exo ena server kai to pet tou hellbound otan pao na to kavaliso eksafanizete bori na mou pite pos na to fixed? thnx. dite pio Pet Leo: http://www.la2ic.ru/img/hellbound_01.jpg
  17. Gia pedia exo ena server kai to pet tou hellbound otan pao na to kavaliso eksafanizete bori na mou pite pos na to fixed? thnx. dite pio Pet Leo: http://www.la2ic.ru/img/hellbound_01.jpg
  18. ok fixed my problem close thread or delete it.
  19. no re c sou leo to exo scan polles fores opios bi msn apo server m or egw kolai o server kai kani delete items den exo virus sou leo boro na kliso telios to MSN apo server m?
  20. pedia ston server mou exo trello problem otan anigo server mou online opios bi MSN apo server m kolai to MSN kai ginonte ALl Items Delete Apo players kai crashed o server thello opos dipote help na mou pite pos tha kliso to msn apo server m na min boroun na benoun plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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