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Everything posted by peubraw

  1. any1 did any quest using this program?
  2. does it works on bot protected servers?
  3. Ive got 28 accs banned on Lineage2 3 months ago! =/
  4. does it have a trojan or not? is it safe?
  5. Ive tested everything I know. nothing yet. =(
  6. can any1 share it with me by pm pls? cant read it. =/
  7. where can I download this ver. now?
  8. works on webthunder.net! thx
  9. thx for reuploading icetalker. works fine
  10. cool I needed it for a server that walker dont work.
  11. cant see it. 50 posts. can someone tell me what it is?
  12. dont work on retail. =((((((
  13. here it is: http://www.towalker.net/down/eL2Walker10.9.6.zip x)
  14. all acc are still active until may 11. Dont know why neither. It just stops at char selection.
  15. cant get it to work on retail, Im getting a error at the select char part: 16:42:39 :[Getting char list 16:42:44 :[The normal moon is in the sky. 16:42:47 :[ERROR: crash: GameReadThread : Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. 16:42:49 :[ERROR: crash: GameSendThread : Unable to write data to the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. any1 did it on OFF ?
  16. "now" the server is offline. hehe
  17. working on OFF, rly nice.
  18. My full host file l2authd.lineage2.com nprotect.lineage2.com
  19. works FINE. eu te amo.
  20. great share. thx a lot edit: sry for double post.
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