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Everything posted by santo2k4

  1. wen i try to use the script it doesnt do anything it wil just stay there... i have other scripts like mana pot clicker and cp pot and they work but this script for some reason doesnt work for me :s
  2. what protection can make that im not able to run l2walker?? like i select l2.exe and pres run and it just dont open the game any 1 knows?
  3. For some reason the script doesnt run for me... any else having the same problem? or any solution or mistake i might be doing?
  4. I did everything but it doesnt work i get to the server selections creen and it doesnt pass from there any help?
  5. tnx u killer_007 :-[... do u know if walker creators think to fix that on newer versions? :)
  6. he can bot ... they have a loader but he can log without it and bot normaly... but gms says that they can know if youre runing walker IG or OG... with a program thats cheks bad packages sent by walker... is there any bypass or fix for that?
  7. Is it true that admins have a new bot detection system... that they send pakets to your client and if they dont get the good packets response they know youre boting... is it thrue or its just a fake to scare people?? My friend plays on D U N E server and they claim to have that system. tnx in advance :)
  8. nevr mind pls delete this post :)
  9. So when do we start? :P
  10. :D Im 100% in xD tell me what to do :D
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