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Everything posted by sicky

  1. Hi all I'd like to download and try bot but link doesn't work can some1 share another one. Thanks all
  2. Someone know some ''new'' exploits/bug's on Arena 200x Dnet server?
  3. miniproxer is not needed... i use the same settings in l2walker to force it to use localhost ( as a IP to connect with... of course u need to set up sauron ppc well in order to use oog in dn... btw this method works... great job to all
  4. WORKS !!! GREAT !!!
  5. Im thinking about a script for power lvling outside Goddard... or a ewa spoil script outside Goddard too... which one u prefer? 1. exp ---> spawn detection, go outside and kill higher lvl mobs 2. spoil ---> spawn detection, go outside and spoil antelope...
  6. Easier but your char get stuck on every wall or obstacles... The script detect every spawn point and choose the best route to the nearest NPC... And there are no l2w settings that detect if u dropped haste pots and go to the shop to buy some...
  7. Yeah but the script will be better coz i want to add ewc spoil code... check this thread soon ;)
  8. this is zoom hack for interlude?
  9. never heard about... farming? im farming around in the map for mats or enchant so when my dwarf is too much high for spoil the choosen mobs i need to delvl... simple ;)
  10. yeah it works... i see tons of hero around...
  11. There will be desync after some equip/unequip/dance but its easy to solve by stopping script and restarting, isnt it?
  12. I used for a lot of times the script of AdlerBR but few days ago i decided to upgrade it coz it had some hard limitations... 1. In my server my little dwarf get stucked near Mouen and did not attack any NPC for lots of times... 2. ... and he don't use Haste Potion so run rly slowly... Now its all fixed... so better route to NPC and Haste potions use is included in this new version... Thx to AdlerBR for the first release... DOWNLOAD LINKS: http://rapidshare.com/files/66518877/delevel_for_dwarf.zip.html http://files.filefront.com/delevel+for+dwarfzip/;8932406;/fileinfo.html
  13. i normally use box to get ews... not only with key but if u have a th u can use the open lock skill too... less % to obtain a good drop but its useful if u are low of keys... To get keys i usually go to the rift...
  14. dont work in my server... fixed...
  15. with walker dont exist a charstatus flag to make a script? something like: CharStatus(CP,<,90%) anyone have heard about it?
  16. its very old...
  17. rapidshare sux too... always to wait lots of mins...
  18. go to stratics... it shows all mobs to lvlup soul crystal... btw i always go near disciples to lvlup til 8 or 9
  19. So he use auto ss program or macro? Can someone post a dl link?
  20. still works in DN?
  21. yeah... same to me... btw if u like sounds use l2agent...
  22. sure?
  23. Every time DRake change protection he say that none can bypass it.... after 5 days all ppl have the bypass... Its a total waste of time... DRAKE PUT C5/C6 ON DRAGON INSTEAD OF WASTING YOUR TIME ON WALKER PROTECTION...
  24. which is the command to get time?
  25. I have 2 question... 1. Who can explain me better what is RETURN... and in which case i should use it? thx 2. Why my dwarf dont save in warehouse my +3 war axe [haste] ?
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