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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. tha ithela na akousw to provlima giati den vgika kapou na kolaei to l2... ara code swstos ektos an mou ksefige kati edw den tha simfwnisw 100% o kathenas mporei na krinei apla o tropos pou dialegei na kanei tin krish ton xaraktirizei os toso esi min agxonese i buffer gia to diko mou gousto einai +photos ara para poli kali
  2. poli kalo file sinexise me ta updates sou :) vrika poli palia pragmata thnx :)
  3. den dialeksa ton buffera giati einai i oxi teleios... o kathenas mporei na valei to xeraki tou na ton ftiaksei gia ta gousta tou alwste opote ginonte anousia post.. pantws an kserei kaneis na mou apantisei stin parapanw erwtisi tha hmoun ikanopiimenos
  4. tote giati na klepsw to site apo to 10xrono haha lol /on topick kalo fenete san idea mpravo alla protimisa to programataki tou FreakyCoder xD
  5. /on topick poli wraio share eixa kai gw mia paromoia se stisimo twn <tables> buffer se interlude kai thelw poli na tin xrisimopiisw... erwtisi pia noumera alazw gia tis wres kai pio einai to noumero gia tin mia wra? einai akoma to 3200 ? auta euxaristw downloading
  6. agree setekh with personals i dont agree with the pay part 2 weeks of bugs and you fall down to zero 0 and as you said yes that means they will not be fixed if i understand well.thats all as for target bug you can told us to know and not post it anymore in bugs section :P ;0 gl
  7. i am not crying for anything here you can see that this team is starting from 0 i call it failed project where i said that you have to be 24/7 or i need this moment anything? please ton say things that i never said ok?i thing you cry now. and as for the chose i already did . now bye bye and good luck
  8. i just hate my self that go into this project... i love my self that i have helped other admins with my replies of my expirience with some problems as for the c/p i really dont want to make it worse..
  9. i am very sad to waste my time there cause this team (4-5-6 ppl on project) sucks this pack is full of bugs that they dont fix for month now and asking you for money this is what they offer: http://l2jarchid.com/index.php?showforum=14 so if you are waiting for the free you have seriusly TO WAIT go learn java better.... if you pay you will get attention if i say bullshit look at the forums for the bugs that waiting to be fixed http://l2jarchid.com/index.php?showforum=22 and look the one Target Bug, Can't move gues what... serius bug now check the time line http://trac.assembla.com/L2J-Archid/timeline they fix more serius bugs...like Typos and so late that a turtle will rich the one side of atlantic to the other so if you want to earn money try other ways dont make a fool of us bb and good luck to those who try you and make baium speak english at last...not russ thnx ill pay
  10. -1 karma giati einai klemeni idea kai giati den tin ekane kai kali
  11. thnx ill test i cant understand why errors i compile it before a few hours
  12. i have the same error can you help me?
  13. my first post id like to do it here cause i have never seen so many work and good.(except the quests) :P i still w8 to fix this :S but worth the waiting. very good job keep up on good work!!!i like your style
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