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Everything posted by varo

  1. guys i got a problem.I have an interlude l2jfree pack and when anyone where any shield he has 100% shield defense rate pls help me!
  2. Hey i got a monster in pegan's temple when i delete it,it spawns again if i restart server!Do you have any idea how i can remove it?
  3. twra pou mporw kai to vlepw kai egw einai teleio poly wraio douleia:) Waiting for updates!
  4. Mia xarh mporeis na miwseis ta post gt einai para polla valta 100 oxi 200.... eleos min kaneis san ton critical error kai esy!
  5. if i give you a folder with the items i want to add and with my dat files can u edit the textures for me pls!! xxSkillerxx can u do it pls? I dont have any problem with sql only with the dat files http://www.4shared.com/file/76136682/b322df69/CustomItemsHelp.html This is the rar everything is inside even the file edit pls if xxskillerxx cant do it someone else pls help me!!!
  6. Because i tried many times to add custom weapons and i failed in editing the system files itemname e-dat etc Now i give you a link with the items i want you to add and with my files in order you to add it and reshare it to me only my files edited! Thnx Here is the link: http://www.4shared.com/file/76136682/b322df69/CustomItemsHelp.html Cya PS:Dont forget to read the''readme.txt'' inside rar file!Also i already give you a fileedit inside rar and the items are for interlude server!If you need more details just pm me or this is my msn:heroicpower@hotmail.com thnx for helping... Cmon guys no one wants to help me???
  7. smth is wrong with the multishell or the html! search better!
  8. Its extemely perfect.Congratulations!As dippindots said its what we have been expecting from you !
  9. listen must i leave a line before add weapons and after?or only after add weapons leave a line and save it?
  10. i do it but still the same i changed id of armors but still the same...maybe ill try leave 2 lines or maybe my fileedit is old Can u give me an interlude file edit someone?one that will work perfect ! ;)
  11. I got a problem with my weapons armors etc i add them in the server,i can see them,i can wear them but they dont have name,their name is noitemname what shall i do to solve it?i read some posts with that problem but didnt help me at all
  12. josso can or sbdy else can u reshare it pls ?i ll be thankfull!
  13. Geia katarxhn!Thelw na mou peite pws mporw na kanw ena place se safe zone etsi wste na min mporoun na xonoun ksilo ekei kai deyteron enan tropo na allaksw glwssa sto pack mou giati ola mesa sto game einai ispanika thnx!
  14. Ennow oti exw parh to pack toy kelvin kai as poume sto chat kai olo to pack einai sta ispanika px. anti na leei you hit for 1000 dmg ,to leei sta ispanika ayto ennow thelw na allaxw thn glwssa apo ton olo server mesa!
  15. Mhpws kserei kaneis pws mporw na allaksw glwssa sto pack px. ama einai sta ispanika na to kanw sta agglika an gnwrisei kapiws as kanei ena reply thnx!
  16. Please guys if anyone has the link ill be thankfull if it share it with me thnx!
  17. Im 100% sure that you will make a great job and also a great share A-Style.Just make it good in connection so we wont have any problems!cya soon when your pack will be ready:)
  18. Here is the latest version of L2Emu i found the link and i wanna share it with you!Nth special Please Rawr Biatch update your post with the last share here is link http://rapidshare.com/files/160501186/L2Emu_747.7z thnx!
  19. I was the one that asked for this guide and i wanna say a big thnx to yianni cause he helped me a lot and of course you!Thnx yiannis again keep up the good work:)
  20. Pls can u share a link or your own gracia part 1 system folder?pls
  21. Thnx a lot xXSkillerXx...Someone lock the topic!
  22. Pedia thelw na mou peite ti prepei na alaksw mesa sto xml file etsi wste na allaksei h wra apo ena skill pls
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