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Everything posted by bishop

  1. an 8es help kane add vangelis@l2vitality.com (an dn se voi8isan auta);)
  2. [glow=red,2,300]Game Server[/glow] [glow=red,2,300]Login[/glow]
  3. ontos alla sini8os merikes fores to vgazei gia java kala ama dn to doume dn mporoume na sou poume :(
  4. kali panta file mou Pixel edw 3eris ;)
  5. NIce share
  6. exeis kani java install?an 8es voi8eia kaneme add vangelis@l2vitality.com
  7. re paides 15 xronon eimai akoma ma8eno kai osos paw to veltiono auto to site pou exw gia mena einia aplo exw ftia3ei kai kalitera opos mou exoun pei ekeini :)
  8. re paides egw lew na skasw lefta dn paizei gt o server paie tin alli eudomada eteria kai ama faw kai ekei dismiss tin gami*a kalitera n plirosw exw addri 12 fores ton server me allo ip alla skata tespa thx paides
  9. to 3ero ta exw kani ola kai me to domain to exw kani me acc tou domain* alla pali dismiss ennow o server einai 100%
  10. Dn ginete exw doulies me ton server milaw kai me ton kadar pou dn mas vazi hopzone ase....
  11. ti na sou po file mou exw na koimi8w kai 2 meres 8a katsw tr na ta na fenontai ama 8es des ama dn 8es ti na sou po :/
  12. wraia 8es na atoimasw kalitero site mono gia sena na dis ?
  13. re file eipa einia aplo dn to to prose3es mpor na sou kanw site entelos 3D....
  14. 1)Na pw ena kalismera lipon ir8a se auto to diasimo SITE oste na voi8isw [glow=red,2,300](noobs)[/glow] ;)me desing 2)Sxediasmos se arista katastasi kanena la8os :D 3)Gnwrizw apo html php etc :o 4)[color=green]To desing mporo na to PROSFERO se xamilses times kai ta ftiaxnw se free host ews pliromena [/color] 5)gia oti 8elete epikinoniste me msn vangelis@l2vitality.com Ena apo ta site apla pou exw ftia3ei kai to exw gia mena einai www.l2vitality.com
  15. aa 3exasa na sou dwsw to site pou to exw akoma etc sinto 8a gini anava8misei ;) www.l2vitality.com
  16. file ama 8es empiro se site edw eimai alla sou lew kati ama kanis apo diskw hackarete gtp kalitera hosting kai kanoniko domain egw tr eftia3a gia mena ena aplo site to opio 8a kanw update wste na valo alla stixia kai php online atoma top pvp/pk castels controls heros etc ama 8es kane mou pm
  17. this topic is for gracia but this for interlude i make it with this rates again ...:)(sorry for my english)
  18. ;) [move][glow=red,2,300]Server Rates[/glow][/move] * Experience: 5000x * Skill Points: 5000x * Adena Drop: 2000x * Item Drop: 1x :D [move][glow=red,2,300]Server Features[/glow][/move] * Safe Enchant: +3 * Max Enchant: +16 * Enchant Rate: 75% * Auto-Learn Skills * Balanced Classes * Wedding System * Clan Hall System * No Clan Penalty * Castle Siege System * No Weight Penalty * No Grade Penalty * Sub-Class System * Noblesse System * Hero System * Duel System * Augmentation System * All Noblesse Skills * All Hero Skills * All Augmentation Skills * Retail-Like Enchant Skills System * Every Buff / Dance / Song / Chant Lasts 2 Hours * C4 / C5 / Interlude Skills * Interlude Skills 95% Working * All C4 / C5 / Interlude Monsters * All C4 / C5 / Interlude Locations * Cursed Weapons Zariche and Akamanah * Unstuck Command 20 seconds * Worldwide Luxury Gatekeeper * GM Shop selling everything you need * NPC Buffer, with Full Buffs, Dances, Songs and Chants * Special Shop, trading many Special Items * Customized Tattoo Status * Gold Bar System * Many Custom Events with Special Prizes Daily * Costums Armors * Costums Weapons * Customized Dungeons * Custom Farm Zones * Customized Raid Bosses - Auto Spawned at Random Time * CTF N' TVT Events [move][shadow=red,left][glow=red,2,300]Staff[/glow][/shadow][/move] Administrator & Owner :{ADM*}L][Vitality Hgm:Queen Gm:Devianne E-Gm:{EGM*}NaCk Join Us[glow=red,2,300][shadow=red,left][/shadow][/glow] www.l2vitality.com
  19. Nc Server
  20. i can help you but if you want serius server better buy host and domain...
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  22. soz
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