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About wyrko

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  1. trusted seller, fast delivery :)
  2. thanks, but you has posted the same changes as l2jserver xDDDD.
  3. overlord, of course
  4. I tested a lot of freeweb hostings and for my opinion one of the best are this: http://www.ueuo.com/
  5. Nice share, thanks i tested now
  6. Hello guys, I have a question about how make a SQL for restarting the server to a particular hour. For exemple restart the server every days at 0.20 hours. Any idea to make it? I tested this but don't work: INSERT INTO global_tasks (`id`, `task`, `type`, `last_activation`, `param1`, `param2`, `param3`) VALUES (5, 'restart', 'TYPE_TIME', 1218683548877, '00:20:00', '', '360'); Thanks for all.
  7. Rates: * XP: x25 * SP: x25 * Party: x2 * Drop: x4 * Adena: x200 * Max. Enchant: 30 * Safe Enchant: 3 Spanish: Estas son las características del server: * GMShop. * Global Gatekeeper. * NPC Buffer y Newbie buffer. * Traje de boda y otros adornos como Talismanes en la GMSHOP * Blacksmith of Mammon Propio. * NPC embuidor y moob que dropea items para Lifestones. * NPC cambia Seals Stone por AA. * NPC Gold Bank. * Gato de profesión. * Subclases sin quest. * Nobleza por quest. * Asedios, Clan Halls, Bodas y Olimpiadas activas. * Eventos automaticos más multitud de eventos realizados por los GMS. * Skill automaticas. * Champions activos. * Buffs : 3 horas. * Creación de Cuentas por Account Manager * Armas sin SA, se consiguen subiendo soul crystals. * Armaduras sin desellar, se necesita AA. * Los souls crystal se consiguen leveandolos en Raids como Ember o Tyrannosaurius. * Armas Icarus implementadas, se consiguen a cambio de unos items. * Armas S con SA implementadas en raids como Baium, Antharas y Valakas. English: Features of the server. * GMShop. * Global Gatekeeper. * NPC Buffer and Newbie buffer. * Wedding dress and other adornments as Talismans in the GMSHOP * Blacksmith of Mammon custom. * NPC that exchange and moob that drope items for LIFESTONE. * NPC changes Seals Stone by AA. * NPC Gold Bank. * NPC class profession. * Subclasses without quest. * Quest for nobility. * Siege, Clan Halls, Weddings and active Olympics. * Events automatic crowd of more events made by the GMS. * Skill automatic. * Champions moobs. * Buffs: 3 hours. * Account manager. * Weapons Without SA, for put SA on the weapons need soul crystals. * Armor sealed, you need AA for put away de sealed. * The souls crystal are obtained leveling in Raids like Ember or Tyrannosaurius. * The Icarus weapon are implemented, they are obtained in exchange for a few articles in the GMSHOP. * Weapon S with SA implemented in raids as Baium, Antharas and Valakas. Server Staff: Admins: ReDKeN StyX GMs: Ainariel Akasha Raptor Luffy Página Web del Servidor http://www.l2-ageofdarkness.es
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