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Posts posted by StarChild

  1. I have a problem! I have added your ressurection system and I wanted to change GB count to 100...

    I have changed this line:

    activeChar.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("RessSystem", 3470, 1, activeChar, activeChar.getTarget());

    To this:

    activeChar.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("RessSystem", 3470, 100, activeChar, activeChar.getTarget());

    And it takes 100 GB, but if you have 99 GB it ressurects you anyway and don't take GB!


    As I think, I need to edit this line and add here count:

    if(activeChar.getInventory().getItemByItemId(3470) == null)

    But how can I add it? I have tried

    getItemByItemId(3470, 100)

    , but this don't work and give an error...


    Help me please asap... Thank you in advice.

  2. About +5 in a step, allready done this! Thanks to Cobra!


    I need to create something like speacial scroll and it must be instant +100... Don't really know how to do this <__<

    Mana potion... Same thing as +100 scroll, need to create speacial Mana potion to restore 2k MP when used...


    Thank you in advice!

  3. Hello,


    I'm searching for a person who can explain me how to make enchants work +5 at a step, so it will be like: 0 > +5 > +10 > +15 > +20 > etc... And also how to make custom enchant to make for ex. +100 items with 1 use?

    This is related to enchants.


    I need to create custom Mana potion, used search and unfortunaly didn't found any relevant results...


    So, if you can help me, please do it ^^ I'm using L2JFree Gracia PT2 Server.


    Thank you in advice,


  4. You can use it like


    TownManager.getTown(1).setParameter("isPeaceZone", "true");

    TownManager.getTown(5).setParameter("isPeaceZone", "true");      

    TownManager.getTown(9).setParameter("isPeaceZone", "true");


    But dont forget to change the announce too also to set them back to peace zone when event is over :p

    Ok, thank you. Waiting for Cobra to adapt this for L2JFree :P I hope he'll release it ^__^

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