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Everything posted by Drasius

  1. I'm free for work, my prices are really low! :) And quality of the works are very good.
  2. I can also make advertisment banners, added few examples at first page.
  3. Now i can offer you full coded website design with psd only for ** ! Please write me on msn!
  4. Hello guys, I'm freelance web designer. I have very long experience working with Adobe Photoshop it's about 4 years. Gallery ---------------------------------------------------------- You can check my latest works at http://dgrafika.deviantart.com/gallery/ Contacts -------------------------------------------------------- Skype: draasius ICQ: 602825743 I'm waiting for your offers! I can also make an advertisment banner! For example: Gif banners only for 10$ !
  5. Thanks a lot bauwbas. :)
  6. You may set the credits... It's my job, you ripped it..
  7. Link updated: http://www.4shared.com/account/file/256797709/20727799/sql.html
  8. You can also set 0 ant walk spd and it gives you same effect...
  9. To Commodus: Im using not preconfigured pack, but L2equal. And if i compile it to latest version my database won't work with the latest, because there is a lot of changes... To bauwbas: Galvojau kad problema su enterworld, patikrinęs nieko neradau prie ko galėčiau prikibti, o su peace zona dar nežėjau, ačiū už patarimą, kaip nors rasiu sprendimą.
  10. There is a bug at my server, when player restarts him character at the town after restart him can attack other players (At town)! Can anyone help to fix this?
  11. Thx for the answer Intrepid :)
  12. I think it's usefull because you don't need to go delete raid boss from him other place to spawn it in that place where you want.. :) (usefull only in pvp servers)
  13. It's needed for interlude... Alexa026 don't act like noob, i know that i need to edit core... But where? what place?.......
  14. I needed that for my server, it's a simple code delete from the source, And you can spawn more than 1 raidboss in the world. Ex: There is 1 uruka, and you can't spawn it in other instance. 1. Open your gameserver/handler/admincommandhandlers/adminspawn.java 2. Find these lines: spawn.setRespawnDelay(respawnTime); 3. And delete these lines above: if (RaidBossSpawnManager.getInstance().isDefined(spawn.getNpcid())) activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot spawn another instance of " + template1.name + "."); else { 4. Now find this line: activeChar.sendMessage("Created " + template1.name + " on " + target.getObjectId()); 5. And above the line delete this: } 6. After all 5 steps code should look like that: spawn.setRespawnDelay(respawnTime); if (RaidBossSpawnManager.getInstance().getValidTemplate(spawn.getNpcid()) != null) RaidBossSpawnManager.getInstance().addNewSpawn(spawn, 0, template1.getStatsSet().getDouble("baseHpMax"), template1.getStatsSet().getDouble("baseMpMax"), permanent); else SpawnTable.getInstance().addNewSpawn(spawn, permanent); spawn.init(); if (!permanent) spawn.stopRespawn(); activeChar.sendMessage("Created " + template1.name + " on " + target.getObjectId()); } 7. And thats all, now you can spawn more than one raid boss! ;) (I'm newbie on java, but i hope this change will be helpfull for someone).
  15. HαRǾC« can you answer to my question?
  16. Works perfect, but can anyome tell how to do the same with monsters type L2Boss not L2RaidBoss ?
  17. Dont work on interlude... There no such lines as: private int _newbie; or these: reviveRequest(this, null, false);
  18. someone tested it? ..
  19. Yeah, you get it wrong.. :|
  20. How can i set maximum adena at inventory count bigger than default? Ex: 5kkk~ ???
  21. For me it works only then, when i set peace zone (town)... I'm using interlude server pack.. EDIT: Works at toi ... THanks a lot.. ;)
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