I needed that for my server, it's a simple code delete from the source,
And you can spawn more than 1 raidboss in the world.
Ex: There is 1 uruka, and you can't spawn it in other instance.
1. Open your gameserver/handler/admincommandhandlers/adminspawn.java
2. Find these lines:
3. And delete these lines above:
if (RaidBossSpawnManager.getInstance().isDefined(spawn.getNpcid()))
activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot spawn another instance of " + template1.name + ".");
4. Now find this line:
activeChar.sendMessage("Created " + template1.name + " on " + target.getObjectId());
5. And above the line delete this:
6. After all 5 steps code should look like that:
if (RaidBossSpawnManager.getInstance().getValidTemplate(spawn.getNpcid()) != null)
RaidBossSpawnManager.getInstance().addNewSpawn(spawn, 0, template1.getStatsSet().getDouble("baseHpMax"), template1.getStatsSet().getDouble("baseMpMax"), permanent);
SpawnTable.getInstance().addNewSpawn(spawn, permanent);
if (!permanent)
activeChar.sendMessage("Created " + template1.name + " on " + target.getObjectId());
7. And thats all, now you can spawn more than one raid boss! ;) (I'm newbie on java, but i hope this change will be helpfull for someone).