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Everything posted by SOHPKI

  1. I sell adena on L2 Core. I have 4kkk in stock. 1kkk for 50 €. Payment by paypal. Add me on Skype : bruce.belou I sell for at least 1 kkk . I send adena after receiving payment, not serious abstain.
  2. trusted seller !!
  3. No its a MR i will try again 2/3 times thanks for the fast answer anyway;)
  4. The debuff is removing when i'm in town after 3s does its bcs its fixed or i must keep trying?
  5. Wynn 90 and Iss 86 only, soz
  6. Want to sell a Wynn Summoner 90 lvl and 55% XP ( Human, Male ). All Skills are learned. Have Noblesse. Sub Classes : Ghost Sentinel 81 lvl ( Dual Class ) & 61 lvl Spellhowler. Official NCsoft server : Naia Stuffs : Full Set Twilight all 3x60 +3 Light ( Blessed Leggings ! ). Full Set Twilight Jewels +3. Apocalypse Thrower ( Bow ) +3 + SA. R-Grade Shirt +4 + CP. Twilight Belt +3. Zaken Cloak. Bracelet ... Send you price proposition in PM. For more informations contact me.
  7. Best Interlude server lol, simple and gms working good!! Come and join us ppl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. No one told there is something special lol, just a server like we like(atleast me)..
  9. Agree, seems to be good server.
  10. good features.. good luck with the server :)
  11. Some news: I took another patch made by IMBAL I found here: http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=73&t=12664&start=135 Now I have only one error:
  12. Hi, (First sorry for my english, it's not my mother language.) I was searching for NPC to PC mod for H5, I found one in this forum but it did'nt worked. So I went to L2j's forum and downloaded this one: http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=73&t=12664 I downloaded H5 beta version and tried to install it, I had some troubles like moved imports etc which I solved but now I have a problem that I can't solve ... When I try to compile it I have those errors: http://nsa30.casimages.com/img/2012/07/23/120723055219218499.png I did a l2j svn checkout three days ago. Thanks for your help ! :)
  13. Open "Control Panel" and click on "Device Manager" Once "Device Manager" is open, highlight "Network Adapters" then click the "Action" tab up the top and click "Add Legacy Hardware" A setup wizard will open, Click the "Next" button until you reach a point were you have to select if you want to manually install the hardware or have it install automatically. Select "Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced)" Scroll down the list until you see "Network Adapters", Click on it and then click next. Select "Microsoft" as the manufacturer and "Microsoft Loopback Adapter" as the Network adapter. Click "Next" to finish the installation. Open control panel and click on "Network and Sharing Center" and click the "Chance Adapter Settings" to the right. The loopback adapter you installed is most likely named "Local Area Connection 2". Right click the loopback adapter and click "Properties". Once the menu opens, click on "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" then click "Properties". Edit the settings. Click "Ok" to apply the settings. DONE!. _________________________________________________________ (Host File) Open "My Computer" and go to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS with notepad add this line to the bottom of the file: l2authd.lineage2.com Save the file. DONE!. _________________________________________________________ (Configuring L2NET): Extract the L2NET V391 BETA.RAR file that I have provided for you. Double click the "L2NET.exe" to open L2NET Once L2NET is open, click on "IG", and replace with then click "Listen" Then you will be able to login to Lineage II and use L2NET. ( Thanks to Drastik )
  14. tested on shilen and it's work, only 1 problems the maps for the radius but its ok :D
  15. someone should ban him, just look at all his posts :)
  16. Lineage ][ LivePVP OPENED ON 1 OCTOBER 2011 Hardware Servers are located in Germany in high-tech datacenter Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quadcore incl. Hyper-Threading Technology 2 x 750 GB SATA-II HDD (Software-RAID 1) 1 GBit OnBoard connected at 100 MBit Daily database backup 8 GB DDR3 RAM Traffic unlimited Bartz (x2000) Buffs duration 3 hours - 40 buffs slots - 20 dances & songs slots Heroes each week - Castle sieges 2 weeks - Territory War 2 weeks Global Gatekeeper - GM Shop - Npc Buffer - Scheme Buffer Custom farm zones - Custom PvP zone - No custom items No class quests - No noblesse quest - No certificate quest Attribute system: level 9 max (armor: 180 weapon: 450) Killing Spree Mod V2 (EVERY 50 KILLS = HERO) - PVP Name/Title Colors system XP/SP: x2000 - Adenas: x2000 - Drop: x5 - 3 sub (lvl 85) Enchant: 65% - Blessed: 95% - Safe: +3 - Max: +16 Spoil: x5 - Quest drop: x5 - Party XP: x2 Enchant limitation in olympiads: +6 Auto 8 Events - Offline shops - Offline craft Unstuck: 20 seconds Auto learn skills Anti Bot System (0 BOTS, 0 AUTO CP, ETC) GeoData + Pathnodes And of course much more to discover in game.. Our website: http://l2livepvp.com
  17. topzone and/or gamesite200 (whitout page: enter character name etc etc then voting)
  18. Buying vote reward system for latest l2j freya and exactly something like that : Player vote in my website > log in game > got new item in his inventory. Send me PMs with your msn, ONLY IF YOU HAVE THE EXACTLY ONE.
  19. How can i fix this ? (Doesnt work with latest version l2j)
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