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Everything posted by VestriNex

  1. works great, thanks for the update ^^
  2. woot, just tried it out and was able to get bot to use the skills on timer ^^ awesome
  3. would this bot work on Dragon network?
  4. anyone know which one is working for Dragon Network atm?
  5. Hey alexu, i saw your other post with all the L2 walker links. any idea which one would work on Dragon network by chance?
  6. What this guy said!! cant find one anywhere
  7. hello everyone. names vestrinex, and im just coming back to Dragon Network. Was wondering if anyone has a working L2 walker for it. anyway look forward to cheating with you all. later
  8. This was pretty much my result, downloaded, extracted and ran. L2Walker.exe shows up in task manager as process but nothing on screen. Tried this, as well as running it in all the different compatibility modes. Result: Deleted and removed, bunch of virus scans run, just in case. the Search continues for a working L2 walker for DN, Infinite Nightmare server.
  9. have there actually been any reports of accounts being stolen? im not trying to flame anyone or anything im just wondering. Im bout to download this and i think if all my crap gets taken, ill be back here posting pretty quick to let others know. only way a walker with keylogger would last through this many downloads without notice is maybe thread creator can delete posts? Otherwise, i think we would have seen an angry post or two by now.. anyway be back in a while to let you know how it went.
  10. can you please share this version of l2 walker? looks promising.
  11. ill give it a test wish me luck ^^
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