mostly i need someone that can be online all the time, and has some beginner knoledge about java, xml, html, mostly the server is modded, we only keep the official updates, but in any case someone should know something about what is needed to do.
Hello Guys
I am Florin aka webed i am from romania, 20 years old, play lieage since c4, started my own server 1 month ago. i am a webdesigner, if you ever need a sugestion about websites just pm me
my server website: (offline for few hours) :D
Hello guys
I need a developer for a new low rate project 10 x, modded as retail on l2 emu. server it's up and running, and i need someone to take care of it, the server is hosted on a custom machine in romania with 100 mbits internet connection and gigabit connection for romania. For the moment machine is core 2 duo with 4 gb ram on windows 2003 serve x64.
Send me your cv at
Hello guys, i need a developer and a gm with experience for a new low rate l2 Emu server, the server configuration core 2 duo e 8400 wit 4 gb ram, gigabit connection for my country and 100mbit connection in internet. Send me your cv at and i will contact you.