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Posts posted by IamYourDeath

  1. να κρατησεις τ ενδιαφερον των παιχτων για να μην βαρεθουν μετα απο μια-δυο-τρεις εβδομαδες,φυσικα να μην εχεις Lag και τα πιο μεγαλα και γνωστα bug να εχουν γινει fix!

  2. i would play in a server with x100 rates,and hard enchants...like safe 4 max +12 and 66% for normal and blessed scrolls,but not really easy to get them!

    as u said remove cert and attributes,no custom items or tattoos!

    maybe a unique noble Q?

    max buff slots 20+4+12!

    only 2 castles available for siege,siege every week,oly every week.that's all general...

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