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Everything posted by ExisteR

  1. Plz Make Updater like design of Interlude Updater :) Im Waiting for this long time :(
  2. Hello, i have Linux (Ubuntu Desktop 10.10) and L2j Teon rev. 1125 at /home/exister/L2jTeon Server is Online but i cant login! looks here: startLoginServer.sh: loading login config MLog clients using java 1.4+ standard logging. Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? true; trace: 10] Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acquireIncrement -> 1, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRetryDelay -> 500, autoCommitOnClose -> true, automaticTestTable -> connection_test_table, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, dataSourceName -> z8kfsx8fyvcliixpjiwk|f5da06, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> false, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> z8kfsx8fyvcliixpjiwk|f5da06, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 10800, initialPoolSize -> 10, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 50, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 100, minPoolSize -> 10, numHelperThreads -> 3, numThreadsAwaitingCheckoutDefaultUser -> 0, preferredTestQuery -> null, properties -> {user=******, password=******}, propertyCycle -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false ] Loading LoginContoller... Cached 10 KeyPairs for RSA communication Stored 20 keys for Blowfish communication Loaded 127 server names Loaded 1 registered Game Servers Cached 10 RSA keys for Game Server communication. Loaded 2 IP Bans. Listening for GameServers on Telnet server is currently disabled. Login Server ready on *:2106 Updated Gameserver [1] Bartz IP's: InternalIP: ExternalIP: XX.XXX.XXX.XX startGameServer.sh: http://l4d-files.7u.cz/l2/txt.txt
  3. Hello guys i need your help! What is better L2j Distribution in stable, minimal bugs etc. for 100+ Online Players, Low-Mid Rate? Teon or Frozen??? (INTERLUDE)
  4. Thanks :)
  5. Hello, is possible change name on this Forum? If it is Please rename me from Bloodz-cz to ExisteR (if ExisteR account Exist rename to ExisteRcz) Thanks for answer :)
  6. I have nulled version :D i cant use Customer Support :P
  7. Hey Can anybody help me with this error?! I upload files to the directory C:/XAMPP/htdocs/upload (localhost) and i still have this error - Zend20040722033502917597x� �2�\Ml�unI̚"��� �3b�@��h�~��Z+ʐH���I�g7XÙ&9��5?����1� 8�o9&>&��p_�8�����b#q'F�#H��z�k�FB� ��ի�W_������{�ʝF����|38`L�r�����ɕF�՗��n��d���A��pX� �6A�����*А@�fӺ��F�T�^MD����:> �L�Z�N��f(A<�>g2��g%�HP�`���~H�NK�v�Q����*F��X��7Z7;�A��ω���PjZwt���f�0-��);6��~C�.9D��P����P�%���֤���>ji�����rҺ4���`Vcw��Y�A�Ԑdq�"� C��� �����*0r��=У�E���t���썺�Y�hE,���0��N���Z�0�9�re�Dݣ�*f�`��BA �N�8��TCa�$��7m �E�05�m7�[�HFCR� }�R�<�G�I�3ؗ�H� *�IZ�?��JHF�g՞��~:�C��丹Bm����6�/�����U�ll�/ol��F��g����X^O弚��m9�].g���F*磼b�9*�s�Ɲ�T�t^�����㢀�ζ\Y�M���ȸ02A[1$�� S�E�g�8Me���3���o'\Q\��C�W)ދ�Q *�����d�,�|X�:&[��&���G�Gc��%�b"+�'��J���Ÿ,Z�^�w�d㫫�v�������qل��̽o9{��!�o�Դ�� �D�\��� �2L����}!=+���@��k4^�7�f�2G���i�DD~y��ܰM�ޣ��"�cj�YX\��j�aS��G��1ױ=�vJ��U��@l <�#,�q�Q9�������5IM���$�>�繀��dj����H��_FI&( ��C��@�O��]��?���iI\�5-��[-�Gi�}\��Ě���9��2D�׹뫫76�-$jߔ$/����,ϱ,} P���U;H�Tʮ����8��S�m��!��� |����&B`0T�L-d�ϭ UB�g� �<�5$���B� ��%\T�/��H�� )ug����fE��� @5����C�̌�4ݵcI�$G�d8d�ˆ@��.t� �A:�"5�'B9�N��AX�Sg1�L�9�"Л$��gY� ���L f�˳�4ކ�D��4ޞ�4C�T}J��(kI����Z1*U)����62] �UY��1d����N�-�@ ����غ�B�6,��L��{��hg���<�SH��AQ��Y<@�5.��|��x@�/��~�\�z�ع����ws�Ԡa"����K���q�j�mN�O� /P��5�_��"%'�(?��{��/<�~\��xP��tE�ŧ���B�`g���P�l�]�8k&����8i}6��������=,I�K3*��M��ux��_OuG՘�3X�R����0�$bY\�1#sZ�K�@�����?uJ�[pA���[p�?�*tu��T?�@/�t ɤ�(���)&�D��n�3bls�����(p}j¥�d�(HE��(�S��~/�d��0�L��~�Q���-ڵB��`�\��"_"��uI�DnK�~z=g���L<\����'�i#C�@�An��` BW ���P/��BI��hZ&Js�L�@���Ɲ��2ܜ�[÷�*�E�VjpbS离��ܐ��]A��\��Kt����GqL� �e�k�kS_�Ӆ�����E̘>�yk�9}���@wxk��+�$�����ZC�>�/N�3���<5ԑmYR��q�H���`�M�X�`l:Y�^��K�E.�K���3�G"���t[���y _�0 �L�wwt��;���2��-+bAX�h�E,gs �$��Zzc���4� �y2��m�r�N�-+<&Jv�pP!�{��>��<��>qzŰ_ IE�b���F�,Y��c@xy�-�l5$� >�����Fo�c��܁��į�e0@���~v` 2����)0�,Rw���� �2��B�]�r 2��h@ģu���� ���vP}b���.wLW�6 G��昱�&Î���#�&�}މ#`x��FY|�\��ΙO��iR�i'�pV�ςhl3�]������Ѐ|�a��e�bU��8�H��A!�W�]�ލ���T��2>�t�f>�A����9�Wh��-��0��KK)���)��;��+FSOFȧ������;�*@]e�)D��?Rn��+��h�D�["��q'�H�0��Q3w����\�0F��!�x]� �N}�1�LB�|�:w80YC�w�٢j���а-��&P;257}���lf����)N��aG��Ӯa`��^ �2�؇Ș�P�Խݍ�WZ/mZ&a�� �� �i�����I��i�M�E�C�i�n�.�d�i�Ӵ�iZ�!�˴�iZG|SjZ����0�[�[\X�����F����7�XaIPޜ�3�f�5����n�z�D(psf�2��&/|�m��'�Ը(�ʡ�5�5�X��H8Ƞ�5��s.(�%P(N��u�!$�!� �`#��ό��ʝ`�B �%��!9�PBi�M��6n��&�� ��0�&@v��.�0�s��^�"c��A0j�2aY�Z�J�겂��d���c�g-��7f�@^���i�W'2T,��9;K�+-�l�L�~iaV��a��&��A����=�g���9��Q�d'Ȇ�Uy��� :����������/�z~r�Ҹ&�近� ���֘�y�ߥ@އ)K��Y���1CyM5f�8}� ����ә&a�0���ҤyQk*<��/�pF\���6C����Pi��zr�Б���#9N�x���h�=G ��J&�L�w{ك{{����Z�^fA�.V�#L�ʥ"�ٵ(���I��ћ�x����O �U��8�yE��,>E��)г���p�Fj�Vlxa�[3�l��`�Âm�Ws,�~IC��yX���6�첫@��ɕb�nj:�1۪}BL�� L��m)TXP� l��� ?wB ({�xw�K1K����G�qy�u��lϧ��v��^�Q��?˕1�Q�_�(����:3��5��}�[�/SNVV���X&�g��ߩ��)" zk�վ���V����w�ߺ�Zl^�� 8y�A�I�;����<�}�x�V��쭼�����x�oݺ�VO��֭۝&�K�y�2jv��> 6�y��{���}����b��������u�]��v��:��~�1]\공��vz��۴Nz��{<�]^�|稳R_���]����J}��^Z�!]�lď��ѽ]^[]���^8z8.���*��;ko�>Y�_��Ii5�̓���!ރ���ѽݠ�0Ρ��Ok��h�: .�����7G�����^��a��F%��yo;ʻ@�ͳg�l������9s�{�1�;n9*r��� �r���3���K!�ӒN|��8N�=2\'��N�}`QxcK~zY'��3R�c/�|��_���XU$����J��*�@d� !1�f��1��{��W�Fu��/�O�5@!�_f�/��>�˶�!1Bz���þ�q�SS��M5�ߵ����W�t*GQ��u���u��V���0��Ba���Ϝ?��R}q����h��ڽ�qU櫵��X�-m.U�ڼ�ZA��~�;hAp�S�-ߝ���ѓ���J��[�\�=���l�Y-����yݹ���,HBaj {�h鿆�a'���{�7�F��,�|�� �� 6*Rj5z�T )�~Ԩ�����N����p�j��\��7�Z��w�r�o.����Q��E�6`��cU� i $��He]�I|$��-��z���$�a�Ð,̹�N��M�T9x�P�0��,'��Xa��Z������kH��`�|�Z��n�vs2�\�),�v�x��gL��Ν�[ �⾦�>��ܔT5_}��R�j��냠$�9�v�>���k��-�~|��T8�|6�n���Ac'���.�ݒ�T�!K��+9 �:���")�OWIX��{�X��[~�3K�hx��i� I have installed Zend Optimizer!
  8. Fixed!!! Screen is down And its Make you .sql file :) and SQL file you upload to your database :)
  9. Hello i download LZ 1S + Fix from http://lasteam.ru/1043-freya-shara-platnoy-sborki-lz-java-server-ver-1s-fix.html and i find sql folder but in folder is only lineagezone.psc where is SQL files? Can anybody help me with this problem? thx
  10. Hello i download LZ 1S + Fix from http://lasteam.ru/1043-freya-shara-platnoy-sborki-lz-java-server-ver-1s-fix.html and i find sql folder but in folder is only lineagezone.psc where is SQL files? Can anybody help me with this problem? thx
  11. Thx its great! I want this for Freya :)
  13. Thx ! it's usefull :)
  14. Don't Work for me! Im Using L2j (www.l2jdp.com) Freya :)) Please Fix :) Here is SS:
  15. Please port it to Freya :) thx :P
  16. Thx :) Its usefull program
  17. Doesn't work for me! All working but when i in game type .reward its say First go to blablabla and vote! i have writen in votesystem all needed texts... Distribution L2jserver Freya :) Plz help? :D
  18. Nice! I Search this long time :D THX
  19. Hi, i have Latest Revision from SVN of "L2j Server" (Freya). And Command //server_restart is Broken :( He dont restart server :( He ShutDown server :((( How to fix? Fast Answer thx! =*
  20. Hello I need help! We have Gaming Portal where is WoW, Aion and now we making L2 server :) But we can't use default port's on L2 server cuz it is on Aion :( I need Change Login Port in system (Freya) thx :P from 2106 to 2120. Or Send link with edited :D THX!!! I need it :((( Fuc*ing NCSoft Protection :DDD
  21. This is only Kamaloka Guards to Teleport to town near guards (Guard cannot work)
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